5. Good Morning

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[Eventually Kurt had fallen asleep with Dave at the edge of his bed,both of them shifting around in their sleep]

*Kurt woke up first,his blue eyes fluttering open as he stretched his legs carefully in order to not wake up Dave, who had shifted around enough to the point where his head was against Kurt's lower stomach,the rest of his body almost hanging off the bed since he was so close to the edge*

[Kurt, replaying everything from the night before in his head]: (Dumbass is about to fall off the bed...)

*Kurt eventually decided to pull Dave closer to him gently, wrapping his leg under Dave's knee and dragging him closer slowly, which Dave then suddenly wraps his arm around Kurts waist, nuzzling against his stomach in his sleep*

[Kurt, sighing to himself]: (Well, guess im not going much of anywhere after all..)

*Both of them laid there for a couple minutes, Kurt looking down at Dave who was still sleeping against his stomach, snoring slightly before slowly opening his eyes which made Kurt panic as he decided to pretend to be asleep.
Dave groaned slightly as he woke up, taking his arm off Kurt's hip and rubbing his eye awake, looking at his surroundings...well mainly just Kurt, realizing he was against his stomach and propping himself up on his hand as quickly as possible as he was definitely a bit embarrassed even though Kurt was "asleep".
Dave stumbled out of bed, fixing his clothes slightly and walking into Kurt's living room*

[Kurt, faking waking up and calling out to Dave]: "Aye, Mornin' Dave!"

[Dave,a bit startled but smiling]: "Oh! Good mornin'!!"

*Kurt gets up sluggishly from the bed, scratching the back of his neck and messing with a necklace on his neck before letting out an annoyed and long groan, the reason being that his leg had fallen asleep due to Dave sleeping on it*

*Limping over to the door, Kurt continues to mess with his hair and necklace, giving Dave a small smile and nod as he stumbles past him onto the seat next to him, a cupholder separating the two*

[Dave, giving him a concerned look]: "Whats wrong??"

[Kurt, who is now focusing his attention onto Dave, confused]: "What??"

[Dave, nodding down at his leg]: "Your leg, you're limping.."

[Kurt, lifting up his static leg and shaking it a bit in an attempt to get it to wake up]: "Oh, its just asleep..dont worry"

*Dave nods before looking down at his hands while picking at them, chewing the inside of his cheek*

[Kurt, now aware of the awkward atmosphere]: "you hungry?"

[Dave,who is still picking at his hand]: "Sure"

*Kurt nods and walks to the kitchen slowly and opens the fridge, grabbing some syrup and milk before shutting the door and grabbing milk,pancake batter, and some bread.
Kurt hums in a bit of confusion and begins to search for something,which Dave takes notice of*

(A/N: aight since i haven't uploaded in a bit ill probably cut this a bit shorter than i wanted, whatever, you got a cuddle scene, woohoo 🎉)

Friendship bracelet ( Kurt Cobain x Dave Grohl [kave] )Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat