Loco Roberto.

354 7 2

Dear... Brandy is it?

Yeah I'm going to keep with that name. Anyway I need to let you know to back off alright? You are freaking me out and even more my vicious-nongummy-furrybear, Blade of Grass. You're just... Okay how do I put this nicely? You're crazy Brandy. Yeah you know those girls who stalk guys and end up burning themselves in front of his house when he rejects them? That's me. Now you may not be that cuckoo, but you certainly do bring out drama and Ericha does not need that. If you had heard all of the shit that she went through, such as an allergy to mushrooms, you would cry.

By the way your profile is so creepy. Since when do people make their profile stating how much they love a guy they haven't talked to much? That stuff should only stay in scary movies! Reece needs an encourager, someone to be there for when the going gets tough. For example, when he wants to make mushroom soup and he has none, I will be there for him. And you are not that guy, you are just a psycho stalker who just haplens to be his friend. And I am his mender sexy ass MugCookie. Got that? Good.

I try to be nice to you and tell you to hit the high road, but for some reason you take that as a good thing. Maybe because petrol runs through your veins and you wish to become a transformer? Just get over yourself and stop being so damn creepy. I bet you would do something really weird and pathetic like write a letter to me to show your annoyance.

Anyway, so what if I look like an old mushroom? When I spoke to my vicious-nongummy-furrybear Blade of Grass, she said I was beautiful. And well... mushrooms are food so they can't not be beautiful right?

So please back off okay? This is supposed to be my undying love letter with a pleading threat.

Bye Crazy Brandy,


Vegetable <3

P.S. I just realised what I meant when I said mender... I mean healer? I think. A HEALER OF LURV.

*Note: This isn't a hate note. I love you really :* mwaaaah <3333

My Letters of Love.حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن