Marco continued with the comments to all the players but did focus alot on Alex.

The score was soon tied and Alex had the ball.

Now as the triplets had been kidnapped from a birthday party, quite alot of people knew but they were told they had ended up with a foster family.

"You're so pathetic, no wonder whoever you lived with didn't want you" Tom whispered. His words were cruel and that was his intention, even if he didn't know the truth.

It distracted Alex and Tom was easily able to get the ball.

Marco who was watching since the ball was in Alex's possession saw the terror in Alex's eyes and immediately stopped the game.

He walked over to Tom. Of course Tom was intimidated by the 18 year old who was glaring at him.

"What just happened" he asked.

"I don't know what you mean. I just managed to get possession of the ball" Tom said.

"Alexander get over here" Marco said.

The team was watching.

"Alexander what happened" Marco asked still in a commanding tone.

Alex thought about lying to Marco but he was done keeping secrets so he repeated the words to Marco. And he was interested to see how Marco would react. The old Marco would have agreed. But he was slowly becoming more tolerable.

Marco was beyond angry.
"You dare say that to him"

"It's true though. He's not that good. He's only here because he's your brother" Tom said.

Marco was growing increasingly angry "he is here because he's good. If you haven't noticed I don't play favourites. He gets treated the same as everyone"

"Maybe he shouldn't be here. Maybe you should just go back to where you came from. No one likes you"

And that was the final straw for Marco. He couldn't exactly beat the kid to a pulp right now but he was dying too.

"How fucking dare you say such vile words. Perhaps you're deflecting your anger because it's clear nobody wants you on this pitch" Marco said. He altered his words not wanting to ever say what he said that got James to attack him. The very similar words to Tom's.

Alex felt a mix of emotions.
And something he couldn't quite work out, but he knew it was caused by Marco protecting him.

In the end he was reminded of his sister and brother and he found himself hitting Tom. He sent several more hits.

Marco rolled his eyes but turned to the rest of the team "I suggest we end this practice session early. I'm sure you will go away and tell your friends how uneventful and boring this session was" he said, warning them not to tell.

He even took out his phone after the others left and checked his messages and replied to a few.

He wasn't in a rush to stop Alex.

He even packed everything away such as the footballs.

He went back on his phone. Some girl had messaged asking him to come over tonight which in his experience meant she wanted to hook up and of course he told her he'd be over tonight. She was simply a random girl he had got with a few times. He didn't care to get to know her.

Tom was wheezing slightly but as he was finally able to throw a punch, that's when Marco stepped in. Quite litterally. He saw the punch coming and stepped in between the boys, not having enough time to stop the punch, he took the hit himself. He noted the boy was weak and he admired Alex's work.

"Like I said I don't play favourites in training but Alexander is my brother and if you dare try to hit him again,I promise you will regret it. Now if you tell anyone it was him, I will claim he was with me the entire time and if you decide to go further well let's just say you won't end up with just bruises. Get out of my sight. You're off the team"

Alex was suprised that Marco protected him like he did and a small smile appeared. Especially when Tom went running in fear

"I only pick on you more because I believe you are capable of so much more" Marco said before turning to face his brother.

"Next time, maybe do it with no witnesses so I don't need to threaten a bunch of 14 year olds" Marco suggested.

"Whatever. Thanks for the help I guess" Alex replied as the reality set in.

"Get to class Alexander, I'll see you tonight' Marco said and walked off.

Skye and James had no idea why Alex came to class looking angry and upset but they hoped he would talk to the therapist about it.
They both talked.

Skye hated bothering her family so despite how reluctant she was, she talked to her therapist about her lack of sleep. They had only had a few sessions so it hadnt become too deep yet.

James lacked confidence, so he mostly talked about school and tests he could have got right. He was slowly opening up about wanting to no longer feel defenceless.

Rafael would pick the triplets up after school for therapy and make sure they were okay to go. Today he had something else planned. He had bonded with them individually and now he wanted to do it with them together. Hopefully he would be able to after therapy.

Not the chapter I had planned. This was suppose to be Rafael bonding with his kids chapter but I changed it into Alex and Marco which was completely unplanned and I was making it up as I went along. Due to the length, I decided to cut it short here.

Also a moment is needed for Marco and his lack of interest in the fight until the possibility of Alex getting hurt.

Any guesses on what Rafael is going to do with his kids to bond.

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