A Drunken Cluster

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This had to be the worst fight between them. There was so much red. He couldn't tell how much of it was his blood and how much was his.


A few weeks pass and as the last week of March arrived, a sudden warm front drifted into the atmosphere above Konoha. The southern air danced along the frozen ground, making fog rise like a thousand resurrected spirits in the streets. Despite the eerie weather and the slippery, melting snow, Naruto and Sasuke still lay in the same bed, awoken by Sasuke's alarm clock.

The two had spent all night studying for their big test in Kakashi's class. Sasuke had hoped all his work and tutoring payed off, if not then Kakashi would've assumed they blew off their tutor sessions and pretended like they did them. After that he would make sure to assign them to do everything together as a more efficient punishment.

Obsidian eyes squinted open, the sun illuminated through the peek of his curtains. The pressure he felt on his chest and leg caused his eyes to look towards the feeling. Beside him he saw Naruto spread out on the bed fast asleep like it was his own. His arm stretched across his chest and his leg over his own.

'Apparently this guy knows nothing about personal space.' Sasuke rolled his eyes and slapped his forehead. "Didn't I tell you to lock the door on your way out?"

"Ow! W-what?" He looked around and noticed he wasn't in his bedroom. He met Sasukes glaring eyes and returned the glare. "What was that for?"

"Why are you still here?"

Naruto sighed as he scratched the back of his head. "I guess I must've fell asleep."

"Yeah well next time fall asleep on your side of the bed."

"My side? You mean I finally have some ownership over this bed now?" Naruto half grinned.

Sasuke gave him a knowing look. "You know what I meant."

It was unexpected, but soon enough they started sleeping in same bed every once in a while. It was coincidental, except for the Uchiha.

Ironically, Sasuke would rarely ever get nightmares if he had someone sleeping next to him. Occasionally though, they would still appear and when they did Naruto would be there for him. He would put headphones on him, wrap his sweater around him, pull him close and they would listen to music together. It was something that really soothed him best. Naruto noticed it was the only thing that worked so he continued it.

Sasuke still felt an unpleasant feeling in his chest because he had gotten used to sleeping beside Naruto. It was strange since he had slept alone for a very long time and was used to it. It was the same feeling for Naruto, except the unpleasant feeling was felt when he wasn't sleeping right beside him. It was weird for him but he worried that Sasuke was suffering through his nightmares alone.

Naruto knew how it felt to be alone, he didn't wish that upon anyone. To him, it didn't matter who it was, if someone was lonely, he'd try his best to be there for them.


"Hey, Ino," Shikamaru forced out as both him and Naruto approached the lunch tables outside.

"You guys have to come this weekend." she beamed, shoving a flyer in Shikamaru's hand.
"It's a big party tomorrow to raise money for the school. It's only five dollars to get in."

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