Second Chances

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One of the secrets of the universe was that our instincts were sometimes stronger than our minds.


Naruto looked at the address Sasuke sent and put his phone away. Exiting his home he got into his car and drove off. Since it wasn't a long drive to his house, Naruto decided to go a longer route so it would give him more time to enjoy his music that was playing.

Eventually that came to an end and he was parked outside of Sasukes house. With a knock on the door, Sasuke let him inside, the two glaring at each other they made there way upstairs and into his room.

Sasuke tutored him for about 30 minutes, and Naruto was left doing his part of the work while Sasuke went on his phone. The blond dropped his pencil and observed the room. He noticed a box that had picture frames in them. He stretched his body upward in the chair to get a better view of whats inside. In the small opening of the box he saw a picture of an older man that looked like Sasuke and, his mother? The rest of the photo was cut off by the flap of the box but he'd assume it was either some friends or more family in the photo.

A long time ago he had heard about Sasukes parents death in elementary school, he had tried to befriend him because it was something him and Sasuke had in common. Except Naruto never met his parents. They died the day after he was born and his grandfather was the one who took him in where he eventually moved out but would still come to visit him from time to time.

In the end, they never became friends, Sasuke was too stubborn and his demeanor had changed.

"Isn't it hard to live here?" Naruto broke the silence, his voice small and hesitant.

Sasuke stilled. Emotions flashed in his dark
eyes as they stared at Naruto who turned in his chair.

His bright eyes lowered to the floor, and he swallowed as the silence seemed to swell inside the room.

"It is."

Naruto looked up at the raven-haired boy, he had his head turned towards the wall across from him.

"Then why..?" He hesitantly asked.

"I have no where else to go." Naruto watched Sasuke's head turn towards the window. His spiked, black hair was highlighted by the light shining through the window, and his pale features were only enhanced by the sun.
"And either way, I want to live with the memories. This way, I'm forced to face them. I can't allow myself to forget, or get soft."

"But you don't allow yourself to move on either..." Naruto looked down at the hardwood floor, worried he'll cross a line.

Sasuke's eyes closed, before they opened again. Naruto saw the movement, but didn't look up. He didn't want to see the Uchiha angry at him right now. Naruto knew he was pushing a sensitive topic, but he couldn't seem to stop himself.

His mouth was dry and he forced himself to swallow again in an attempt to get it back to normal, before he spoke again.
"What's it like?" Naruto asked, finally lifting his eyes to meet his onxy ones.

"What's what like?" Sasuke huffed.

"Having memories of a family."

Sasukes obsidian eyes bore into Narutos, though he didn't wanna talk about, he felt he could at least give him this. Only because he never knew what it was like to have a family.

"Life seemed healthier. Family.. theyre able to keep you from being lonely. They give you love and support. My mother always made me feel safe. My brother motivated me to do things I never thought I could, we had a stronger bond since he would practically babysit me while my parents were at work." Sasuke took a shaky breath, "Though my father was strict, he just showed that he valued us very much, and made the rest of the family feel protected."

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