Chapter 1: The three brothers (MK1)

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I Two years later:

the village of fengjiian it was not a grand place. not one garnered with technology, influencers and cars. it was a simple farming village. as if it was far back in time. unaffected by the course of history and the consequences of the industrial revolution.

We see three boys eating in a restaurant. One wearing a flat straw hat, one wearing a sedge hat and one with long white hair. They all looked to be around 17 (yes I'm aging everyone down). The old woman behind the counter brings the three boys a bowl of ramen.

All: "thank you madam Bo"

Straw: hey y/n I bet I can eat mine faster then you. 

White hair/ y/n: you challenging me again Kung Lao?

Sedge: lets not try to waste our food now guys.

Kung Lao: your such a buzzkill. 

Y/N: you got a point there Raiden.

Madam bo returns bringing y/n a drink.

(Madam Bo) MB: you boys need to start being more sensible or i'all make you work off all the money your wasting. Especially you Kung Lao.

Kung Lao: fine.

Y/N L/N, Kung Lao and Raiden have been friends since Y/N landed in the tea shop almost 5 years ago. with there help. Y/N had help learning a Sense of piece and mercy. the three of them becoming close friends and later all them sharing a brother like bond. Madam bo took him in as her own child along with some help from others Y/N learned the ways of the shaolin monk and became a powerful warrior while suppressing a large amount of his power.

in his later years Y/N L/N had outshined his friends in his combat technique and skill but his main weakness was his confidence. if he knocks his enemy down, it gives them a chance to attack him. apart from that, he was a very skilled warrior and had then gained enhanced abilities making him even more powerful.

Y/N: auntie what time is it?

Y/N calls her "auntie" because he still believes his parents are still alive. after his collision. Y/N lost a large proportion of his memory unaware that his birth parents were not his birth parents and apparently his real parents died when he was born. 

MB: 6:50

Y/N: shit! We gotta go deliver the vegetables!

Raiden: wait that was now!

Kung Lao: lets go!

They run off as Raiden slaps some money on the counter. The area around the tea house is full of all sorts of things and people a large amount of food stalls and vegetable markets. The boys reach the farm as Kung Lao goes to deliver tomatoes and peppers. Y/N goes to deliver pumpkins and Raiden goes to deliver cabbages. the three carts travelling in each direction as each brother pushes as fast as they can. Y/N smiles as even though he never knew his real family. he had found another. one where they helped fill the empty spaces of memories with new onces. once again. 

He had family.

*cut to black*

i think that went well 

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