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Beomgyu isn't sure if Sunoo's his best friend or his enemy.

You know what? Maybe he does know. He's actually sure Sunoo is secretly wishing on his downfall because why the hell else would he force him to talk to the one guy Beomgyu dislikes.

Could he not have forced Winter to I don't know? Talk to Karina about the whole situation instead? Or better yet, talk to Jungwon himself.

But, of course he wouldn't.

So now, Beomgyu is standing outside the university's gym, waiting for Taehyun to come out because there's no way he's entering that hell hole.

After about 20 minutes of waiting -Yes, he'd rather wait 20 minutes then enter the gym- Taehyun finally shows up, coved in sweat and, Beomgyu wants to throw up at the sight.

Don't even get him started on the smell.

"Hey" Beomgyu calls out, scrunching his nose in disgust "I wanna have a word with you" Taehyun looks at him in surprise, mouth falling wide in shock.

"Omg! Beomgyu yes! Of course. I'll talk to you haha what's it's about?? Do you need anythin-"

"Can you shut up." Taehyun seals his lips and nods "it's -- it's about Jungwon"

A small "oh" sound leaves Taehyun's mouth, lips falling in a sad frown and, Beomgyu thinks he looks uglier like that so, he does what anyone would do to save themselves the horrific sight.

He explains himself.

Not that he owed him the explanation but, he does. It's the least he can do.

"It's not what you think" he starts, looking at the wall besides him "Sunoo..he wants to know something"

Beomgyu might dislike the guy, hate how clingy and annoying he is but, the smile on Taehyun's face isn't so bad.

He can get used to seeing it once in a while.

"Aww poor thing" Winter says, frowning at the information "it must be hard for him" Beomgyu nods, taking the bottle of water from Sunoo who seems to be lost in his own word.

"Isn't it sad? Imagine studying your ass off and your parents are still not happy" Winter continues to rant, resting her back against Sunoo who still hasn't said a word "I feel bad for him"

"Yeah, it's sad" Beomgyu says in agreement, his gaze shifting to Sunoo "Why aren't you saying anything"

Sunoo finally breaks out of his train of thoughts, looking at Beomgyu with an apologetic look "Sorry um what were you saying?"

"You're worried for him" Beomgyu says out of the blue, a small smirk tugs at the side of his lips "Aren't you sweet cheeks"

Sunoo hates being called that. He doesn't care about it right now though.

"Hmm" Sunoo replies, nonchalantly before he softly pushes Winter off himself and stands up "What do you think are the chances of him being awake at this hour?"

"Close to zero" Winter mumbles "not zero though" She continues with a grin.

Sunoo smiles, going towards the door and kicks on his worn out sneakers "Good enough" with that been said, Sunoo opens the door and runs out to find Jungwon.

He run out, in the middle of the night to talk to Yang Jungwon.

"Oh- what are you doing here Sunoo hyung?" Jungwon asks, half asleep, with his head tilted to the side in both confusion and shock.

"Would you be down to go on a walk with me?"

"So, is there a reason you wanted to go on a walk with me" Jungwon looks down, kicking a small rock as he walks next to Sunoo, having said nothing for the past 10 minutes.

Sunoo shrugs, looking forward as he walks with his arms in his pockets, regretting his life decisions for not bringing a coat with him.

Jungwon hmms, just walking and walking. He doesn't dare look up at Sunoo even though, he wants to. He wants to see those pretty eyes he's mesmerised by, he wants to see Sunoo's lips smack against one another when he speaks, he wants to see him scrunch his nose when he thinks what to say next, he wants to see his face twist into ten different expressions at once.

He wants to see it all.

But, he doesn't. He can't, he just..he just can not get himself to look at him.

Until, Sunoo stops and Jungwon has to stop and look behind him where Sunoo stands with a small frown on his face.

Jungwon can't help but frown too, his eyebrows knitting in confusion as he parts his lips to speak "Why'd you stop"

"Why won't you look at me anymore?" Jungwon's freezes in shock. He knows he's been avoiding Sunoo for the past few days but, he didn't think Sunoo would notice.

He didn't think Sunoo would even care so, why does he ask him that now? Isn't he repelled by him now that he's seen him crumble and fall like a hopeless little boy? Isn't Sunoo icked?

"Why do you care?" Sunoo doesn't know how to answer that so, he doesn't.

They continue to look at one another, pain apparent in both their shallow eyes but, neither of them dare to say a word.

It's as if the world stopped moving for a minute, it's just them, with their eyes hooked, feet frozen still and lips sealed into their skin.

Until it's not. Until Jungwon walks forward, takes off his coat and hangs it on Sunoo's shoulders, leaving his hands above them for just a second too long and gives Sunoo a saddened smile.

Sunoo doesn't care, Jungwon knew but, it still hurts. Or maybe, Sunoo does but, he won't accept it to himself either.

"Get home safely" Jungwon says, barely above a whisper and walks away to go back to his dorm and, Sunoo stands still.

He doesn't care. Sunoo doesn't even like Jungwon's presence so, why would he care? He doesn't care. He was just...

Sunoo doesn't know. He doesn't even know why he hates Jungwon as much as he does but, Sunoo doesn't care.

He doesn't care for Yang Jungwon.

Stupidity is a disease, Sunoo struggles with said disease :D no cuz the fuck is wrong with him tch tch someone please help this clown 😔

Anyway I hope you enjoyed this ff~~ and ooo~~ we finally got Taegyu!! Yay!

Have a good day loves make sure to eat alot and stay safe love you so so much!!

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