442 38 13

Trigger warning!! Panic attack!!

You know what? Maybe Jungwon doesn't like Sunoo after all.

Maybe, he loves him.

Because there is no way, no way in hell, Jungwon's this head over heels for a guy he's met less than 5 months ago.

That would be absurd.

How did Jungwon conclusion that he loves Sunoo? Well, he's sitting here right now, looking at Sunoo as he works on their shared project, not saying a word and yet, Jungwon is absolutely engrossed. Sunoo doesn't even do anything! He's just ─ sitting there.

Sitting there prettily, Jungwon would argue.

It's embarrassing really. How come someone love another so much that the smallest thing they do is attractive to them? What's more embarrassing is the fact that Jungwon gave his favourite chocolate milk to Sunoo just because Sunoo was thirsty.

And Jungwon never gives his chocolate milk to anyone.

"Is there something on my face?" Sunoo questions, finally looking up from the book at hand and meets Jungwon's gaze.

He gulps, why is Jungwon staring so intensely? Did Sunoo do something wrong? Is it become of that chocolate milk??? God, he knew he shouldn't have accepted it, now Jungwon's not gonna let him live this dow-

"Nothing, you're just very pretty" Jungwon replies, a smile appearing on his face.

What? Is he-- is he being serious right now? That's just not possible. Why would Jungwon seriously think he's pretty? Enemies don't usually think like that, Doesn't Jungwon hate him for being his academic rival? Sunoo stole his spot, he should hate him right? Sunoo knows he'd hate him, not that he doesn't already! But, ugh. You get the point.

He must be mocking him. Yeah! That seems reasonable.

Now that he looks at him again, his smile doesn't look the most genuine in the world either.

Yeah, Jungwon's just being himself again. His mean, mocking and annoying self again.

Sunoo parts his lips to give Jungwon a piece of his mind but stops when Jungwon's phone rings.

Excusing himself, Jungwon stands up and leaves the library to take the call while Sunoo huffs in frustration and goes back to his work.

After quite sometime of waiting, Sunoo gets frustrated that Jungwon isn't back yet so he gets up from his seat and walks to where Jungwon had been standing and to his surprise, Jungwon was still taking the call..he wasn't slacking off like he thought he was and, what's that on his cheeks?

Wait, is Jungwon crying? Why is Jungwon crying? Did something happen? Should he ask him? He can't possibly do that right? They aren't even close like that.

Ugh, this is all just so frustrating. Sunoo doesn't know what to do besides stand there and look at Jungwon.

After a few more seconds, Jungwon cuts the call abruptly, wiping his tears and tries to breathe but, realizes he can't.

It's so hard for him to breathe, Jungwon's hands start shaking, eyes pooling with more and more tears as he tries to calm himself down in the corridor before going inside.

He doesn't want Sunoo to see him like this. He doesn't want Sunoo to think he's weak.

In a desperate attempt of calming himself down Jungwon slides down the wall and sits on the dirty floor, rubbing his chest with his right arm but nothing works, he's a wreck, a fucking mess, he can't breathe, he can't stop shaking, his heart is racing too fast-

Until, he feels someone hug him.

Jungwon doesn't know who had hugged him but he hugs back, burring his face in the person's chest as he breathes in their soothing scent.

Jungwon breathes, he can finally breathe. He's still shaking like a leave but, he can finally breathe.

Jungwon digs deeper into the hug, tears not stopping as he feels the person lightly pat his back, telling him that everything is gonna be fine.

And, Jungwon believes the person. For whatever reason, Jungwon believes he'll be fine.

"Just keep breathing" The person repeats and, Jungwon knows he's heard that voice before.

He can't tell who it is thought. He's not in the right state to think either so he just listens, letting the person rock him back and forth.

He lets the person help him, to soothe him and to consume all his worries and, they successfully do.

Jungwon feels his heart beat slowing down, he can breathe fine again and, although he's still shaking, it's alot better than it was.

Taking a deep breath through his nose, Jungwon parts the hug and finally looks at the person to thank them for helping him and that's when he realises, it's Sunoo.

Jungwon's brain goes into survival mode, he doesn't have any control over what he does next but, he pushes Sunoo away, standing up with shaking legs and runs away before Sunoo can even process anything.

It's not because he doesn't want someone to see him in this state, not at all. He'd be fine with just about anyone seeing him like that but, not Sunoo. He can't have Sunoo see that side of him.

So he run, he runs away like the coward he is. He runs away and leaves Sunoo on the floor, he doesn't thank him, he doesn't apologize, he doesn't do anything at all, he just...he just runs.

Sunoo on the other hand, can't help but feel enraged. He only ever wanted to help and look where it got him?

Pushed away onto the floor as if he's some toy.

Sunoo hates it, he hates it so much. He just-- he just wanted to help Jungwon.

But, a part of him can't help but feel bad for the younger.

What was it so bad that Jungwon had a panic attack? Sunoo doesn't know but, he wants to know.

He doesn't know how either but, he wants to know.
Poor wonnie :(( I feel so bad T^T

I hope you enjoyed today chapter loves!! Make sure to eat well and stay hydrated ~~

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