533 34 15

He was wrong. His luck can and does get worse.

Sunoo just can't believe it anymore, it's rediculas. No way, absolutely no fucking way in hell was Jungwon his partner for the lab assignment. From all the people in his class, it had to be Yang Jungwon. Yang Fucking Jungwon.

He really just wants to scream at the top of his lungs but he doesn't.

That's embarrassing, he thinks and decides it's best to accept his sore luck and go with it. What else can he do anyway?

Perhaps murder now that he thinks of it again. Because, Jungwon is absolutely fucking obnoxious. It's not that he does something to piss him off in particular, him just existing is enough to do that.

It's the fact that Jungwon, for the love of god, would not look him in the eye and that! That pisses him off.

It's also that he just happened to be the most fridgy person he's met and it's annoying. He's annoying and him playing with his fingers is even more annoying.

Sunoo doesn't know if he should bang his own head in the wall or Jungwon's. He really doesn't know.

So, with a deep breath through his slim and perfectly sculpted nose, he forwards his arm to place it over Jungwon's to try and stop him from fidgeting.

And, he does stop...for about 2 seconds before snatching his hands away and putting them under the table. Avoiding Sunoo's gaze even more now.

Sunoo doesn't have the time to deal with him anymore, he's too pissed so with no choice left, he takes out a bar of chocolate he saved for himself and gives it to the nervous boy in front of him.

Why the fuck was he even nervous? Ugh, Sunoo hates him.

"Eat" He shorty says when Jungwon looks at the chocolate bar "Sweets help"

Help what exactly? He doesn't know but, he knows they help him when he's extremely nervous.

Jungwon hesitates for a moment, looking at the chocolate bar "Just take it already" Sunoo pushes it forward impatiently and this time, Jungwon does take the chocolate bar and starts eating it while looking outside.

Sunoo waits until Jungwon's done eating, nodding in satisfaction when he sees a smile spread across his face before taking out their study material and starts going through it carefully.

"We should start with the reproductive system and then, we'll look into the risks of birth for the mother and things the mother can do to make the birth easier hmm?" Sunoo questions, looking at his notes while Jungwon nods.

Soon, Sunoo starts to go through each point, discussing it with Jungwon and taking in consideration some of Jungwon's points as well and, he must admit.

Annoying or not, Jungwon is extremely smart. It doesn't particularly surprise Sunoo by any means, he knew Jungwon was smart but, seeing him in action was kind of... attractive?

He doesn't know either stop asking.

After about 2 hours of discussion, Jungwon leans back on his chair, cracking his knuckles and lays his head flat on the table to close his eyes for a few seconds before sitting up straight again and deciding to speak.

"You know Sunoo?" He starts and Sunoo hmms, looking through his notes "You're actually so smart"

Wait what? What does he mean by actually? Did he think Sunoo was all for show?? Excuse him. He didn't know he was sitting across some judgmental freak who probably judged him for studying on a scholarship.

And here he was, thinking that he might have misjudged Jungwon. Nevermind that.

Sunoo scoffs, his tongue poking the inside of his cheek and the first thought in Jungwon's head is hot. Oh, he found every little thing about the older attractive. From the way he talked in a very obvious pout to how he bit his lips when thinking.

Everything about Sunoo is attractive to Jungwon.

"Oh thank you for telling me that I'm actually smart. What would I do without you" Aww Sunoo is so sweet! Of course he'd appreciate his older for being smart and he's happy Sunoo's happy...well that's what he thinks.

Although the look on Sunoo's face says otherwise but, it's okay. Sunoo is just like that he figured.

Jungwon grins, nodding his head "you're welcome!" He says aloud, proud of himself for taking the initiative to appreciate Sunoo.

Sunoo deserves nothing but that in his eyes. But, why does Sunoo look so red...is he blushing??! Awe, Jungwon should do this more often he concludes.

"And you know what he said?! He said I was actually smart! Can you believe that? Ugh, I was fuming with anger Guys! like- I was all red and shit" Sunoo rants banging his head on the pillow over and over again while Winter nods in agreement.

"That's pretty rude" She says "I mean, you don't look the smartest but damn"

Sunoo shoots a glare in her direction, shoving her aside to lunge forward and takes Beomgyu in a bear hug "You're my only hope Gyu! She's evil"

Beomgyu coos at his friend, hugging him back and rocking back and forth "there there, I've got you big baby"

Sunoo scoffs, pushing himself away from Beomgyu and goes to sit down on his spot again, folding his arms across his chests and puffs his cheeks angry.

"You guys are such bad friends" He complaints and Winter giggles at him, finding his frustration as cute and adoring.

"Aww Sun, I'm sorry!! I was only joking you know that" She says and pinches his soft cheeks "You're very smart and Jungwon's stupid for thinking anything else"

Satisfied, Sunoo nods and finally breaks into a smile "Thank you! That's what I was saying" he sighs "Anyway, how's everything with you? Still upset over Karina?"

Winter shrugs, stretching her arm to get the chip bag but Beomgyu pulls it away from her reach "Don't ignore the question Winter" he urges and Winters shoulders fall in defeat.

"I don't know guys, she's too out of my reach anyway. The kiss probably didn't mean anything to her"

Sunoo and Beomgyu share a look, scooting forward to their friend and take her in a big group hug "We're here for you Winter" Sunoo says and Beomgyu hmms in agreement.

"Thanks guys" She hugs back "I'm here for you too Sun, you know that right?"

He knows, he believes his friends are always gonna be there for him and, he can not be happier. He loves his friends so much.

"I know"

Dun dun dun!! Part 3 is out ~ I hope you enjoyed and god, another misunderstanding between the two of them huhu when will Sunoo understand Jungwon is just silly and goofy?

Make sure you guys eat enough today!! Stay hydrated and I love you so so much <3

Love education || Sunwonजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें