Possesive Much?(Teen fic)

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He stood up with his hands in his pockets, "I'll delete the video."

My head snapped up on hearing this and sighed in relief.


"On three conditions." He said smirking making me glare at him.

"Never Stone!" I huffed.

"Okay then, I'll send it to everyone on my contact list." He said casually picking his phone up

.My eyes widened and I held his arm stopping him while he gave me a blank look, but I could see the amusement in his eyes. 

That jerk! "I...I.." I hesitated looking down.

"You what?" He asked raising his phone again.

I tried to snatch it from him but in vain. "Okay fine, I agree to your conditions!" I say finally defeated making him smirk evilly.


All Mae wanted was to complete her senior year peacefully but everything is turned upside down when Ryan Stone crashed in her life, literally.

 They say water is strong enough to break a stone...will the case be same for Mae Waters and Ryan Stone?

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