I opened the letter. It read:

Dear Y/N L/N

You have been under my surveillance for a while. It's good that you have kept up with your training. I see you are as strong as ever.

I write regarding you being a strong candidate for the upcoming Holy Grail War. The Einzberns have summoned a Ruler class servant. The Mage's Association has informed me that this rarity must be eliminated. You are to assassinate the Einzbern master and steal their command spells.

I know your training is a sore subject for you. However, the Mage's Association requires someone of your skillset. This will require every measure of stealth to succeed. Your guardians will guide your path to Europe,

I implore you to be wary of an Einzbern called Jubstacheit. He is the head of the family and a golem with centuries to develop magic capabilities.

Regards, your Uncle, Max L/N

I didn't remember having an uncle. 'Why was I treated to these conditions if I had an Uncle?'

There was a knock at the door. I quickly hid the letter in a drawer. I stored the book in the hiding place again and rebuilt it using earth magic. Then, made my way to the door. Looking through the peek hole, I saw a familiar face. It was Frank, but he was accompanied by a dog. I opened the door.

"Hey Frank how's it going?"

"Here, a sandwich I picked up on the way," he said as he handed me it. It was my favorite type. I placed the sandwich in the fridge.

We began to talk about the day. He mentioned that he was going to be busy soon. Suddenly, he had been brought up a topic that I wasn't prepared for.

"Did you open it?" Said Frank in a serious tone.

"Open what?" I was confused as to what Frank was referring to.

"The letter, did you open it?" I was starting to be suspicious.

"What letter?"

Meanwhile, talking with Frank, the dog was going to my desk. It pulled open the drawer that contained the letter. It held onto the letter with its mouth and began to trot back to the table where we were sitting.

When I noticed the dog had the letter I was surprised "Give me that," I said. I soon recognized the do as the dog I passed on my path to work and back.

"This is the letter that Sir Frank was referring to," said the Dog.

I was shocked by this, nearly falling out of my chair. "That dog talked, is it a familiar?"

"To be precise, I'm your familiar. Charwoofs is the name"

"I thought you said your name was Charles," said Frank.

"It is to you," said the dog flatly.

I was taken aback by this whole situation. I soon noticed that I had the sandwich in my hand and it was half eaten. 'When did that happen!'

"You are the ones who have been surveying me?"

"Bingo," they said in unison.

"Get packed we're going to Germany," Frank said.

I undid the earth magic I had cast, bringing the tome and the case with me.


Late October 1939

Me, Frank, And Charles were on the outskirts of the forest. Looking toward the humungous bounded field that was present. It caused a massive snowstorm to take place.

Fate/Void Wars: a Jeanne D'Arc Alter x Male Reader RemakeWhere stories live. Discover now