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A/N: Hello and welcome one and all to this series that I have begun. You might have heard of the holy grail wars before but never like this. I will see that the Third Grail War takes place during the 1940s instead of the 1930s. Anyway, I did this because the Grail War would be way more interesting if it had taken place then. I mean what would the interactions be like? The church and the association could finally clash! The betrayals would be amazing. The fight scenes between ships, airplanes, and tanks, versus a servant would be awesome but catastrophic.

This = indicates memories, or scene

This = indicates dates

'This' = indicates thought

"This" = indicates dialogue


Early August 1939

I was in my apartment. It wasn't too big. It had a desk, a kitchen with a fridge, a bed, and a furnace. The walls were made of brick and the floors were wooden. The apartment descended underground. Not much for someone of my background, which was intended. The most exquisite food I ever had in this apartment was a fish.

I paid the bills by boxing, and working at a local smithing shop. Occasionally, I worked at the docks. These jobs were to continue practicing these skills. I had nowhere else to go. I was overall silent in my work. Some new smiths asked the occasional how to practice new methods of forging. I taught them of course. There were often discussions about the news that I usually ignored. However, some topics kept arising.

I heard stories of tensions rising in Europe but that didn't interest me. That was the talk of many newspapers and during my time near the kiln, but still, it was uninteresting. I didn't want anything to do with that. That had been the point of view until I got home.

Currently, I was working at the docks with my best friend, Frank. He was a hard worker. Our job was to load bags onto a truck.

"Did you hear about the news in Europe, " Frank said while we heaved a bag.

I sighed, "Why does everyone talk about that?" While continuing the job.

"It's interesting"

"Not really," I said.

"You got to admit, the guy has a funny mustache." We nearly collapsed from how hard we laughed. The boss wasn't pleased with that.

Going back home to my apartment, I gave a piece of bread to a stray dog that I always see en route.

Before entering my home, I looked at the letterbox which had a ton of mail inside. I decided to look at the mail at my desk. Reviewing the mail in my box, I got a letter with a seal I hadn't seen before. I placed it on the desk. I was curious as to what the crest meant. I then remembered something disturbing. The crest brought back memories of when I was younger.

I stepped back from the desk. The crest shocked me. 'I thought they were all dead.'

Daring not to open the letter. It was of a past I tried my hardest to forget. Nevertheless, I still practice the techniques I was taught to this day.

Darting to the wall near the staircase, I grabbed a hammer that I kept nearby. I smashed the wall, persistent to get what was inside. Removing the bricks, there was a book and a mysterious large case. I recovered the book and put it on the desk. The cover of the tome had a symbol that matched the letter's seal. It was an exact copy. The tome he kept secret had never seen the light of day, yet the crest that was thought lost was seen by him once again.

'Impossible,' I thought to myself.

I was somewhat curious about the letter the more I thought about it. Was it possible there were more? Were they not all wiped out?

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