Chapter 2: The Familiar Forest

Start from the beginning

Damn he was loud! It reminded him of Hashirama and that blonde brat. He hated loud people.

"Look, I don't care if you don't believe me if I'm a human or not. But does that mean that I'm not allowed to have a familiar? But in any way...

Madara's right hand was in his face covering his right Rinnegan and in the middle of his index finger and middle finger his left Rinne-Sharingan shined brightly and it coused the Familiar Master to shiver like a homeless dog as it looked like that eye was piercing right through his very own soul.

"...Even if that were the case... I get whatever I want.

He stated smirking sinisterly.

"Well there is no rule that a human isn't allowed to have a familiar. I was just surprised to see a human in the Familiar Forest that's all. Haha.

He scratched the back of his head sheepishly but Madara could feel a tint of fear on his voice.

"Now tell me what kind of familiar do you want? Strong ones? Fast one's? Cute ones? Sexy ones? Or maybe even poison ones?"

"Then tell me something, who is the strongest familiar in this forest?"

Madara asked as Satooji rubbed his chin before answering.

"That would be Tiamat, the Chaos Karma Dragon and the strongest of the Five Dragon Kings.

"That's the one I want then." Madara replied, his tone almost bored.

Satooji looked at Madara as if he was crazy.

"Do you have a death wish?! I can take you to her, but I can't promise that you'll live after that!"

The familiar master spoke in a bewildered tone of voice. Through there was something about this man and those eyes. He simply couldn't put it to words.

"By all means, lead the way.

Madara smirked. Needless to say, the Familiar Master thought that he was completely crazy.

"Okay then follow me.

The Familiar Master said as Madara started following him.

Satooji stopped about thirty meters away from a large cave that seemed to be rather deep and dark.

"This is the place. You'll find Tiamat in there, although in my personal opinion you should really stay away from her.

Now unlike previously now he was speaking with a serious tone.

Madara looked uninterested in fact, he was bored out of his mind.

"Leave this place. I think I might be able to dance again, and I promise that you don't want to be caught-up in a battle like this.

Satooij looked like he wanted to protest but from the look, he was getting from Madara it was probably best if he just leaves from this soon to be a battlefield.

After Satooji left the place suddenly Madara's appearance started to change, his hair became black, his third eye closed, the horn on his forehead disappeared, his pale skin was gone, his eyes were now black onyx and the clothes of the Sage were gone and were replaced by a Crimson armour as Madara had just used "[Banbutsu No Sōsō — Creation Of All Things]."

"The life force that I'm feeling from inside this cave is even weaker than that red Dragon, and he said that he was the most powerful dragon amongst all. This Dragon here it is at least at Six-Tails level. So that means me in the Sage of the Six Path form would be a complete one sided massacre.

With that said Madara advanced towards the cave before coming to a full stop in front of it, then simply opened his arms towards the cave.

"[Shinra Tensei! — Almighty Push!]"

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