Chapter 2: The Familiar Forest

Start from the beginning

"Where is this power coming from?" He turned facing his sister. "Gabriel we need an audience with father right now!" Gabriel only nodded as twelve beautiful golden wings came out of her back and she started flying.


A man in his twenties with black hair and golden bangs looked up in amusement as he suddenly sensed a great power.

"Hmm. What's this?"

A monstrous power had suddenly risen out of nowhere, and it piqued the man's interest greatly.

"Maybe I'll keep an eye on this. This will be interesting.

A small laugh left him, but little do they know that this being will be the one to alter the fate of this worlD.


There, standing on middle of a thick forest, with a creepy looking fog and a purple sky was a handsome man clad in white, matching hair and three eyes that shined brightly.

Two of his eyes on the same colour but on different patterns, the righ eye was purple with a ripple like pattern, but the left through in the same colour it has three tomoe on each of its two innermost circles. And, the third one; the one on his forehead it was characterised by a red sclerae and irides and with a ripple pattern spreading over the eyeball and nine tomoe.

Madara after leaving that weird place it seems he was teleported to an unfamiliar forest.

"This forest is nice and thick, it's full of nature, I like it.

Madara said as he was clearly enjoying the clean air.

"Who wants me!?"

Without warning a man wearing rough raggedy clothes introduced himself from up in a tree.

"Who are you?"

Madara asked, clearly annoyed at the new appearance that interrupted his moment.

"My name is Satooji of Madara Town! I'm a devil in training! My aim is to become the familiar master!"

The man named Satooji said.

Madara eyes narrowed. "How dare this vermin, claim to be from a place named after me." Madara thought as he did not like this guy style at all, the man looked like a ragamuffin.

"If your goal is to find familiars galore, then you have come at the right time that's for sure, the full moon is out to help you decide and I'll be the one to be your guide.

Satooji rhymed out as Madara was really getting annoyed at that tone now. In his mind he was already planning more than a thousand ways to kill him in the most brutal way possible.

But something got his attention. A familiar? What were those?

"What's a familiar? Is it like a contracted summoning?" This were Madara's thoughts as he decided to ask this... Thing — whatever it was. "A familiar? And what might that be?" Madara asked quite interested in the term.

This question coused the familiar master to rise his eyebrows. "If you are here how come you don't know?" He asked. The Master was eyeing Madara a little bit closer and more carefully as his eyes suddenly widen from shock noticing something about the man. "What are you?! How come you're in the Familiar Forest?!"

"Well, I'm human." Madara replied shocking the Familiar Master. "Without including the Ten Tails and the Divine Tree of course.

"There is no way you are human... But even if you are, how in the hell did you end up in the Familiar Forest?!" His yelling coused Madara to narrow his eyes.8d

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