Despite her efforts to recollect any memories before her injuries, nothing resurfaced, leaving her feeling disappointed. A lot was happening that she couldn't fully comprehend. She was aware of having three siblings and a father, and she assumed there must also be a mother and possibly some pets in the picture. However, there was something that troubled her. Certain things just seemed ordinary and routine, like the serving of tea, the sudden entrance of the kids, the gentle kiss on the forehead, and the overall sense of tranquility that seemed to permeate everyone'sdemeanor.

The names Jason and Mason still felt hazy and indistinct to her, especially considering the possibility that what they claimed might be true. Perhaps she was merely experiencing hallucinations, however, a fragment of her being also held the belief that this was not just a figment of her imagination, but rather a genuine reality. It was as if this existence, this physical form, and even her cognitive faculties belonged to her. Everything within this perplexing realm seemed destined to align and coalesce into a comprehensible narrative at any given moment. Even though lying down did not affect her, she couldn't help but glance at the window through which the two males had exited.

This made her question the truth of their claim that no one else could see them, as she clearly could. They treated her as if she held some special significance, almost as if she were a savior or a saint. It seemed as though they expected her to fulfill a certain purpose, and their disappointment was evident when she struggled to recall any significant details. Furthermore, their insistence that she relay a message to her father only added to her confusion. What was the intended message that they wanted her father to understand and what significance did this body she assumed have in conveying that message?

Who was she?

Just a mere two hours had elapsed since she roused from her slumber and dealt with the tumultuous events that had unfolded. Now, she found herself fixated on the wall that stood before her bed, adorned with exquisite artwork. The composition seemed to be sketched with a pencil, showcasing its intricate beauty.

As she gazed upon it, a sense of familiarity washed over her, yet she struggled to fully grasp its significance. The artwork depicted a young girl positioned atop a majestic snow-covered mountain, surrounded by an array of trees. Two additional figures stood alongside the girl, perched on the pinnacle of the mountain.

The piece resonated deeply with her, but she yearned to unravel its true meaning and unravel the enigma it presented. As the sound of a gentle knock resonated through the room, a woman gracefully entered, capturing everyone's attention. With a warm smile, she acknowledged Sky's gaze fixated on her painting. "Ah, I see you have been engrossed in your masterpiece," the woman remarked, drawing closer to the bed where Sky was seated. Startled by the sudden interaction, Sky responded hastily, recalling one of the boys' advice. "Yes," she replied, her voice laced with a hint of uncertainty.

Eager to engage in conversation, the woman inquired further, "What other elements are you contemplating adding to your artwork?" Sky paused for a moment, her mind racing to come up with a suitable response." Perhaps some vibrant flowers or splashes of color," she suggested, her imagination conjuring up various possibilities. At that moment, she realized that this painting was a reflection of her creative expression, a manifestation of her unique perspective on the world.

Sky began to open her mouth, preparing to speak, but her attention was quickly diverted towards the woman's attire. It appeared to be identical to that of the other individuals present. Just as she was about to inquire about this peculiar coincidence, she couldn't help but notice the woman's longing gaze fixated on the tray of food before them.

Realizing that her lack of hunger may have inadvertently offended her, Sky quickly apologized, her voice barely above a whisper, expressing her gratitude for the enjoyable cup of tea she had just consumed. So, Katara was Sky's grandmother, and Tenzin was her father. This meant that the woman who had just left the room was her mother.

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