Chapter 81

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Monica POV
After with everything that happen I was just sitting down in this room as my hands were cuffed up..... I just tilted my head as I just looked at the camera they had there..... I just looked down at my hand as I just broke the cuffs.... I just sat up as I just bent the bars and just got out of there.... I just kept looking down just passing thorough the security as one of them just kept looking at me...
" HEY!" He shouted
As I just ran as he started chasing me I just ran through a end I just stood there just looking at the wall...
" where do you think your going freak.." he said as he walked towards me just grabbing me making me turn around as he saw my eyes all black and my face cover of orange cracks......he just gasped as he took a step forwards...
" what's the matter...." I said as I just stood there..... as I just used and illusions of myself staying there as I appeared behind him....
" run..." i whispered as i eyes turn red as he just ran....
I just tilted my head as I had a smirk.....
I just kept walking away.... as I just ran into peter..... the way how I was this close on running again but he grabbed me...and the random thing happen to me.... i just felt my back just bent as I almost felt myself collapsed but Peter just caught me..... it seem if I was having a vision...... it was just random I say.... the only thing I saw was just peter working for Miguel team the whole time....... I just gasped as I looked at him angrily..... I just blasted him of me as he hit the wall....
" what was that for" he said Looking at me shock...
" you had me locked up..." I said as I looked at him as I tilted my head.....
" okay first it was for your own good.." he said
I just looked at him and tilted my head again.....
" your trying to hurt someone..." he said
" someone who you been working for him the whole time....." I said
As he just looked at me shocked.....
" I- I don't know what your talking about..." he said
" you know what I'm talking about...." I said
" this whole time you were just manipulating me just the way he did to me I should've know......" I said
" Monica I- I'm sorry..." he said
" your not..." I said
" you will not stop me  what I'm going to do you understand I will do whatever it takes to destroy your little boss and you and your team...." I said as I just disappeared just leaving peter there......

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