Chapter 62

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Monica POV
I just woke gasping just laying in this ally something just felt odd...? Very odd....
This just felt like a different time and a different universe it wasn't my universe... what the hell did Miguel do? I just got up and dust my self off
I just walked out of there just seeing everything different people dress different, the cars were different
Yeah I'm definitely in a different time... I just walked just seeing how New York looked.... it was very fancy.... As I was looking around I bumped into this random guy... he just kept looking all confused since I had these modern clothing...
" you don't belong here..." he said as he walked pass me just bumping into me
" EXCUSE ME!" I shouted as he turn around
" do you have a problem?" I said tilting my head
" very much..." he said
" say sorry..." I said
" why should I?" He said
" because  I say so...." I said as my eyes started to glow and just looked at him right in the eyes just titling my head just seeing his eyes glow red.....
" I'm sorry miss...." he said as he just snap out my spell.... as he just looked at me all scared and ran.....
Huh.... I just stood there as people just looked at me..... I just felt like a horrible person for doing that to him but they do need to learn their lesson and some manners....
I just walked away just walking in this place as I walked in it was dark.... till I see the spotlight just hit my face... what the hell is going on?
It just looked like I was standing in this stage I just look over just seeing this crowd......
What am I supposed to do......
I mean I do have powers I just turn around seeing this chair next to me.....
I mean they can't know about a random girl having these powers but it is a theater.... so I just lift the chair up with my mind just turning it into dust..... as everyone just clapped and cheer......
Maybe this isn't so bad....
After being stuck in this universe for like week just waiting and trying to find a way to go back home.......I felt angry that Miguel got me stuck in this universe.......

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