Evanna sat nonchalantly, her gaze averted, while her father's words barely penetrated her somber mood.

"You might hate me today,"
Martin began, his voice filled with emotion,
"But one day, you'll thank me for this decision."

"Thank you?"
Evanna chuckled. Her laugh was bitter and tinged with pain.
"Thank you for forcing me into marrying him?"

Martin attempted to speak, but Evanna cut him off, her voice devoid of emotion.

"Let's just get this over with. It's all just a charade, anyway."
And with this she stepped out of the dressing room followed by her father.


As Evanna walked down the aisle with her father by her side, she couldn't help but feel a wave of nervousness washing over her. The weight of all the eyes fixed on her was almost suffocating. She could see her mother in the front row, her eyes brimming with tears, and next to her, her aunt Linda, sporting a distinctly annoyed expression.

Feeling a gentle squeeze on her hand, she looked up at her father, who offered a reassuring smile before leaning in to place a tender kiss on her forehead. His silent support did little to ease her anxiety.

Finally, they arrived at the stage where Alan was waiting, looking dashing in his tuxedo. Evanna couldn't help but check him out. His tall and lean form was highlighted by the classic black tuxedo. The jacket added a sense of refinement to the outfit with its sleek style and satin peak collar. The trousers were perfectly tailored, crisply pressed, and fell in straight lines. The white dress shirt beneath the jacket looked spotless, providing a stark contrast to the dark tuxedo. A black bowtie completed the look, adding a classic element of style.

As Martin gracefully transferred Evanna's hand to Alan, a sense of surrealism washed over Alan. He couldn't believe that he was holding her delicate, cold hand in his own large, warm ones. His heart raced, and his breath caught in his throat. It was as if his long-held dream had transformed into reality right before his eyes.

As he enveloped her hand in his own, Alan's hand trembled slightly, betraying the mix of emotions swirling within him. The sight of Evanna, radiating beauty and grace, struck him like a bolt of lightning. He had never imagined that this moment would actually arrive, and he couldn't help but swallow hard as he fought to contain the flood of emotions that threatened to overcome him. His love for Evanna had always been one-sided, a secret he had guarded closely, and now, as her groom, he was on the precipice of a new chapter in their lives, filled with hope, uncertainty, and the ever-present intensity of his unspoken affection.

And once the couple stood side by side, the priest, with his solemn intonation, initiated the wedding ceremony.

"In the arms of the almighty creator,"
The priest began,
"We bring together a man and a woman to create a bond, a union that will form a joyous family. Marriage is not just the joining of two people but the joining of two souls, two hearts, and two destinies."

As the priest continued, Alan's gaze remained fixed on Evanna, his eyes brimming with emotions he had long held within his heart. Evanna, on the other hand, tried to listen attentively to the priest's words, though her mind was awash with conflicting thoughts and emotions. The promises being made felt hollow, a stark contrast to the depth of her turmoil.

"Ms. Lawson and Mr. Flex have chosen to be united in the sacred institution of marriage,"
The priest continued.
"They have chosen to embark on a journey together, to share their joys, their sorrows, their dreams, and their destinies."

The couple exchanged glances, each lost in their own world of emotions and thoughts.

The priest concluded,
"Do you, Alan Flex, take Evanna Lawson to be your lawfully wedded wife, to have and to hold, from this day forward, for better or for worse, for richer or for poorer, in sickness and in health, to love and to cherish, until death do you part?"

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