Chapter 22- Cloaked in Shadows and Secrecy

Start from the beginning

I guess that's good? I mean, I didn't actually take a soul from a villager. Means I don't have to deal with Gem. Not yet at least. I still don't even quite understand how I took Mika's soul. I just know I put my hand through her skin and I felt my hand wrap around the tiny blue flame that is her soul...

"Oof" I mutter, "So, what do you want?" I question, folding my arms again while glaring slightly at him, "I'm currently watching Scott to figure out the whole nightmare thing".

"Oh, I won't keep you away long. I just wanted to come check on you, since I haven't seen you since... y'know" he says.

"Oh" I hum, then pull a face, "Why?". Why would he be coming to check on me after I gave him a soul?

"You're still my friend" Sausage says and I don't know if I believe that, but i'll go with it. "Are you actually going to take my soul or...?" he inquires, smiling nervously.

I shrug, "Don't know. Honestly, I haven't figured out exactly how I do it" I smirk, "So you're safe. For now".

"Uh huh..." he hums, taking a step back, "Does Scott know?".

"About the soul taking? Goodness, no! I don't know how he'll react" I say, looking offended, because really, I am.

Sausage looks at me strangely, "And what will you do if he finds out?".

I pause, looking at Sausage's blue eyes, before looking back out into the starry night, sighing, "Depending on his reaction... I might run... or figure out how to go to the in between and just stay there".

"You... still don't know how?".

"Scott said he'll teach me when he wakes up" I respond, shrugging.

"I see" he mutters, before looking at the garden again, smiling as Scott's butterflies enjoy the flowers, "I know you won't tell anybody about... your past. But I wanted to ask how you've been getting on with remembering stuff. It's gotta be hard not remembering much of anything".

I think for a moment, "Well... I've been remembering some things... not a lot. So I guess it's going okay? I don't know. Depends on your definition of 'okay'. Do you remember your past?".

He pauses, "Well... no. Not really...".

I raise an eyebrow, "You don't? I thought you knew demons. I figured you meant from your past".

"Well... maybe I did. But I have met other demons before in other worlds. Heck, even some of the dimension hoppers are demons. Dimension hoppers can be any humanoid creature. Be it elf, human, hybrids, demons, even angels. Anything" he explains.

I huff at his implication of me being a demon, but then think, "So... what are you? Like, I know you're an elytrian right now, but what are you as yourself?".

"As far as I know, i'm just human. Like I said, I don't know anything about my past so... if I am more than just human, I don't know. Maybe i'll ask Saint Pearl. She may know. So then... what are you? You've got the elf ears, and from pictures i've seen of you, as just you, you have a white wing and a black wing, so are you like an elf-bird hybrid?" he asks.

"I... don't think i'm a bird hybrid. I'm pretty sure i'm just an elf with wings. Although, I'm still remembering my past so maybe I'll remember soon. It's entirely possible the shape of my wings don't actually mean anything. I just had wings" I figure.

"Perhaps. Well, I gotta head off. I'm going to help Jimmy with something. See you around, Shadow Demon" he says, turning to fly off.

"It's Shelby! Or Shadow Girl! Or Shadow Shelby! I'm not a demon!" I call after him, huffing as he flies off, "Am I...?".

Shadows of the Night (Unforgiving AU) - An Afterlife SMP StoryWhere stories live. Discover now