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The funeral for Jae Heon was hard for everyone. Saying goodbye to a man like that, it wasn't far. In Seong stood next to Hyun Soo, head down. It wasn't fair that Jae Heon died – even if he was protecting the rest of the residents. He still didn't deserve that death.

Gil Seob placed a flower down. "You died when you should have lived, and I lived when I should have died." He spoke.

In Seong had tears rolling down his cheeks. He never wanted to see Jae Heon die, he had a lot to live for. Ji Su for one, but In Seong figured that Jae Heon did that for her. In Seong doubted that Jae Heon predicted his arm getting cut off. It wasn't something anyone could have planned. And there was nothing anyone could do, even if standing there felt horrible. They all watched a man die before their eyes, even if he was saving their lives.

After the funeral, In Seong headed into the shop to look for a bottle of soju. He hadn't had a sip of alcohol in a while, and he wanted to have a drink or two. In Seong set the beam to the side, limping his way over to the boxes on the table. He pulled out a bottle of soju that hadn't been touched for their Molotov cocktails. In Seong took a deep breath as he cracked open the top.

In Seong didn't have a glass so he just drank straight from the bottle. The burn from the alcohol didn't bother him anymore. Back in the dorm Myeong used to buy soju for him and Dae Hyun, but Su Ji and In Seong used to sneak it so by the time In Seong was nineteen, he could drink soju straight from the bottle.

He set the bottle down, wiping his mouth with the back of his hand. "I'm sorry, Jae Heon," In Seong whispered to himself. "You shouldn't have gone out like that." In Seong added, wiping his face.

In Seong went to take another drink when he heard a commotion coming from the lobby. He grabbed onto something when the bulding shook from the impact. He looked over his shoulder, eyes wide. In Seong grabbed the soju bottle, breaking it against the table. It shattered, glass and soju falling to the ground at In Seong's feet.

In Seong limped his way over to the windows to look out. He could see an armed truck broke straight through the building. In Seong ducked down upon hearing shouts and screams from the other residents. In Seong placed a hand over his mouth, gulping as he listened to what was going on in the lobby. He held onto the neck of the soju bottle, only to jump when he heard a gunshot ring out.

In Seong didn't know what was happening, he just knew they were under attack right now.

When he heard footsteps coming in his direction, In Seong dropped the soju bottle, reaching for the beam instead. He held onto it tightly as the door opened. In Seong slammed the beam straight into the face of one of the men. He stumbled back as In Seong bounced backward, letting go of the beam. Blood started to come from the man's nose as he howled in pain.

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