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(Firstly i want to tell that there's no hate towards any idol or character  and as i already said idol's behaviour is not the same in reality as in the storyline!)

1 week passed and here all of them made a plan to have a hangout together to get to know each other better.all of them started to give their introduction one by one while sitting on a bench into a large park.

" I'm Ariana, and i am YN's best friend!" she chirped.

"I'm jason, i am half korean and half canadian and i'm her boyfriend, nice to meet you." jason introduced himself smiling brightly looking at ariana.

"hello, i am lee Ka Eun taehyung's friend nice to meet you all."
She gave her introduction but her eyes were on a certain person.

"Jeon jungkook." jungkook said shortly not interested while sitting folding his arms as he came here just for his woman not for any friends.

"hello, i am YN, please to meet everyone." Smiling cheerfully YN introduces herself.

"I am kim taehyung." taehyung politely said giving a smile.

Since everyone introduced each other they decided to make this more fun by playing a few games.

"well since there are 3 ladies and 3 mens let's play the game in a pair of two there will be 3 rounds and the team or person which dosen't performs good will get punishment decided by everyone. Let's team up! I am with my baby."
Jason clapped his hands stepping beside ariana.

"Me and YN." taehyung immediately said making their attention towards them. He turned his head towards jungkook giving him a that look. Jungkook's blood boiled but since he decided to deal with patience he looked away.

"jungkook and me!" ka eun smiled happily while there was jungkook who didn't had any interest teaming with her.

#1) One partner from the pair will have to do push-ups with their partner sitting on their back, the pair which ranks higher, wins.

Ariana and jason's team comes first jason does 23 push ups swiftly with ariana on his back while ariana's face turns red for some reasons.

"you did great jason!" taehyung praised jason to which jason returned with a smile thanking him.

Another team was jungkook and Ka Eun, jungkook feels irritated when Ka Eun moves herself too much on his back acting like she is falling and before he losts his temper he does only 6 push-ups before standing up, while everyone looked at him in almost shocked because jungkook's large body didn't looked like he would do just 7 push ups?

Well nobody knew that he didn't intended to touch anyone who was not her or else he would have done without any count if it was for her.

Taehyung shows him a wicked smile "looks like you need more energy little bunny." he laughs before talking his position as his partner sits on his back. Jungkook was burning inside with pure "jealousy" and why not the way taehyung looked at him doing the push ups with YN sitting on his back who kept her head almost down.

Jungkook felt like punching that f'king smile off his face but for now he just looked away from them fisting his plams aggresively. Taehyung does 21 push ups then they both stood up as everyone clapped.

"Great!" ariana Complimented then gave them a different smile,"not gonna lie you two look so cute together." she teased them.

Jungkook's P.O.V

cute my ass. What the f'ck is so f'cking cute specially with this piece of shit standing beside her.

"hey what about we do an another round too!" jason says while jungkook internally kicks jason on his butt.

Here i am dying inside from the seen infront of me and this annoying girl clinging on me and now here this f'cker wants another round. Jungkook almost cries internally with frustration,the whole time he just glared at taehyung and taehyung didn't missed a chance to glare back.

"jungkookshi?"jungkook turns his head to look at Ka Eun who was looking at him in a questioning way.
"what happened, your face looks all red?" she asks showing concern in her voice.

Jungkook's lips leave a sigh out of frustration. "mind you own buisness!" he spatted jerking her hand off which was gripping his arms tightly. walking away leaving behind the woman stomping her foot angrily.

"alright next game!!" ariana says exitedly,"but this time pairs will be devided by rock paper scissors the two people who got out they'll be the partner of each other"

And as per she said they played rock paper scissors and the pairs got devided.

Pair  1

Ariana and YN.

Pair 2

Jason and Ka Eun.

Pair 3

Jungkook and Taehyung.

"The previous game was for you guys but now it's our time." ariana grinned clapping.

#2) In the second game among both of the partners one will be blindfolded and and will do his/her partner's make up and the same will be done for the other partner the team which does the best make-up wins.

The pairs sat across each other each pair was okay except the certain pair.
"c'mon let's start who's first?" asked jason to which YN replied.

"i think we should start from jungkook and taehyung as their pair is the most unique here." YN giggles looking at both of them who sat there folding their hands annoying.

"Jungkook and Taehyung!" ariana and jason cheered while clapping.

"f'ck don't move you prick!" jungkook being blindfolded mutters loud enough for taehyung to hear. "shit stop you are applying blush on my eyes!!" Taehyung complains hissing,
"i don't know where to!" jungkook fights back. "on the cheeks you stupid!" taehyung says as poor jungkook does his best while all the pairs look at them controlling their laugh.

Now next taehyung was blindfolded.
"don't you dare to ruin my face!" jungkook warns taehyung as taehyung smiles teasingly, "don't worry i am an proffesional make up artist." jungkook could sense taehyung wiggling his brows under tge blind fold.
"I hate this shit.." jungkook mutters.

Jungkook and taehyung sat together and everyone was rolling on the groud laughing loudly while both mens were done with them.

"i guess you both lost it" jason says before laughing then continuing.

"i guess its time for you guys to get your punishment as per the rules."


I hope it ain't boring


Also read my second book too

Love ya♡

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