Chapter 1

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August, 2023:

Long deep breaths and faster-than-usual strides led the bulky man deeper into the dark alley, devoid of any breathing being. tan arms littered with messy, meaningless tattoos now dangling beside the built figure. he looks back and glances at the lingering dark figure, unable to get rid of him. it was a matter of seconds before the frightened man accelerated through the narrow streets, not even looking back now. unsure of how to retort, he lays low to get rid of the human leech trailing behind him.

Passing the endless graffiti-covered walls and a few abandoned storehouses, the bulky man comes head-on with a dead end, mumbling profanities under his breath, he turns around and faces the man covered in black from the dishevelled strand peeking out of his cap tucked downwards to his covered toes in expensive combats. to save the last ounces of his dignity, he manages to mutter out a weak "What do you want?", it comes out croaky and breathless but it gets the message across cause the taller male strides forward with teasingly slow steps, pulling the cap closer to his yet to be revealed face.

"Would you give it to me if I were to tell you?" The air seems a lot chillier all of a sudden or most probably it was all in his head, squaring up his shoulders, the man upon hearing the stranger's cold voice marches forward despite the chills running down his spine, trying to sound intimidating, all after whimpering and sprinting like a timid puppy to this impediment.

"I might consider it." The fear in his groggy voice might've been evident seeing the man cladded in black lets out a humourless chuckle. gulping down the frenzy of his emotions, his eyes zero on the suspicious lad pulling a crowbar out of his daypack puzzling the cornered man further.

"Your fingers." The Mysterious lad mutters, swinging the crowbar in one of his hands, he strides with long steps, not giving the confused man a chance to process his sudden ambush, swinging the weapon with full force, he launches it at the bewildered bloke.

"Give me two of your fingers." were the only coherent words that resonated within the bounded region and all that was heard after that were the useless cries for help of the chap and his glass-shattering screams as blood oozed out of his attacked hands, trickling down onto the rough pavement of the old alley road, becoming one with the water of the random puddles.

February 2014:

"Alright class, that's all for today! Are you all studying hard and preparing for the upcoming CSAT?" Groans and eye rolls were directed at the cheerful homeroom teacher as she sorted out the files on her table, preparing to leave the room. She shakes her head at their antics before smiling one last time and finally leaving the class.

"Moonseok-ah! Do you wanna go to the arcade after school?" The lady in question glances up from her notes, hands stopping midway of doodling random words on her notes, and looks through her thick glass lens to the short-haired student leaning in front of her desk.

"I'll pass." She says after a moment of deliberation, going back to scribbling indecipherable characters in her notebook. The short-haired lass sighs, having heard the same thing more than a thousand times now. "I didn't ask. You're going! Thank you very much" She ends with a toothy grin, puppy eyes gleaming with thin strings of hope.

"I'm busy." Was her curt reply, it sounded almost rude to the passersby however the one sitting in front of her was unfazed, already used to her unimpressed, half-ass looks. "No, you're not." She retorts. "I very much am." The eye roll accompanying her words made the lass deflate, she shrunk back to her seat, a cute pout on her soft features.

"Yeah. When did I ever win against you?" The girl mumbles, picking out books of her own and burying her face in the pile of papers stacked on the desk. "I'm sorry, maybe next time, Minjoon." Moonseok smiled a bit in apology before getting back to her work. 

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