Chapter 12

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Warning: This is not my story. It is from RiverWriter on ao3.


A couple of hours later, when the two Malfoys arrived at her flat she went to greet them both with a kiss, but stopped short and blinked rapidly at the sight of the man standing in front of her. His appearance was unlike anything she'd ever seen from him before: it was a sight. He was dressed- very flatteringly- like a muggle. He, however, was undeterred and swooped forward, pulling her towards him with the arm not holding Scorpius and crashed his lips against hers, delving into her mouth with his tongue passionately. She got caught up in the kiss for a few seconds before pushing him away, but he didn't release his hold on her.

"Draco!" She scolded, "Scorpius is right there!"

"Oh yes, he looks so upset," he said sarcastically, and nodded toward the baby who was simply peering at them curiously, "anyway, if you're going to stand there with your mouth open I'm going to put something in it," he leered at her.

She smacked him on the chest. "You're vile! You're also wearing muggle clothes, it took me by surprise. Where did you get them?" She asked, fingering the buttons of his trench coat.

It was Burberry, she shouldn't have expected anything less, but how had he known to go to Burberry to get a coat?

"I tracked down a muggleborn who works for me and I sent her and my assistant out to buy some things. She knew which shops to go to and what kinds of things I needed, and my assistant knows what I like. This is okay, isn't it?"

He'd sent his employees out to buy clothes. Of course he had. They lived in different worlds.

She stared at him dumbly as she realized that she really wasn't concerned by that stark truth. She shook herself and grinned at him, then began unbuttoning the coat suggestively, pleased when his eyes darkened in response. But the joke was on her when she caught sight of the jeans he had on underneath. She'd already known he had a great body, but there was something about the way that he filled out those jeans that actually made her mouth water.

"I take it you approve," his voice was amused, and she tore her eyes away from his lower body, her skin flushing with embarrassment.

He pulled her closer to him.

"Don't be embarrassed," he whispered huskily and ran a hand down her spine, "I'm very glad you like what you see, I like what I see as well," his hand came to rest on her lower back, its position evocative but not quite inappropriate.

"We should go," she said, surprised by the breathless quality of her voice.

He smirked but didn't comment, just nodded, gave her the address, and preceded her into the floo. In a matter of moments she arrived in an almost empty office, presumably because it was Sunday. She, Draco, Scorpius, and a woman who was looking at them with a forced smile on her face were the only occupants. The woman, who Hermione assumed was the estate agent, was trying to appear professional but her wide eyes and the way that she was glancing back and forth between them betrayed her shock.

"Mrs. Rawlings," Draco began formally, "it's lovely to see you again. This is my son Scorpius, and this is-"

"Hermione Granger!" The woman blurted out.

Draco's eyes narrowed. "That's correct. Miss Granger is a friend, I wanted the opinion of somebody I trust. But I expect your discretion in this matter," he explained, voice cool.

Hermione didn't fail to notice the stunned look that flashed across the woman's face when Draco described her as a friend.

"Of course, I apologize, I was simply surprised. It's such a pleasure to meet you Miss Granger," she stuck out her hand for Hermione to take.

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