Chapter 22

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Warning: This is not my story. It is from RiverWriter on ao3.


The best Christmas gift Hermione ever got was opening her eyes on Christmas morning when she felt the mattress dipping to watch Scorpius settling against her and Draco climbing back into bed.

"Should we get up?" She asked Draco even as she cradled the baby against her. "It's Christmas."

"Why?" He looked totally baffled by her question.

"Well for Scorpius, and presents." She spoke the sentiment that seemed obvious.

Draco smirked and cut his eyes towards Scorpius who had nestled himself against her, not asleep, but completely content. "Really?," He responded. "He's ten months old, he has no idea what day it is. And I don't know about you, but I'm pretty comfortable and have nowhere to be for several hours," he finished as he wrapped his arm around both of them.

He and Scorpius were headed off to Malfoy Manor that afternoon for Christmas dinner and Hermione was going to her parents'. Exasperated by the lack of invitation for Hermione to his ancestral home, Draco had talked about skipping the meal and just going along with her, but she'd refused to allow it, unwilling to drive such an obvious wedge between him and his parents. She supposed the snub was rather rude, but then again, his parents had only known about their relationship for a matter of days, perhaps in their minds it really was too soon to invite her to such an intimate family gathering. She doubted it, but she was unwilling to condone such a destructive blow this quickly.

She bent her neck to kiss the top of Scorpius' head. "Good morning little love, are you happy to stay in bed?"

"Up," he responded, patting her chest.

She chuckled. Scorpius didn't quite understand the context of that word and used it as a request to be picked up as well as to be held. But that still gave her an answer. When she looked back to Draco he was glaring at her playfully.

"Oh, I see how it is. When we're in bed alone you're all: 'oh Draco touch me, oh yes, don't stop, please never stop.' But when he's here I don't even get a good morning kiss."

"Draco!" She clapped her hand over Scorpius' ears, glaring at him. "Not in front of the baby."

He just snorted.

"And your imitation of me is terrible, by the way. I've not ever begged you to never stop."

He arched one eyebrow in her direction and cupped her hip with his hand possessively. "Last night, Hermione. Repeatedly."

She felt her face heat- she remembered now. Perhaps he'd taken it in a merely sexual context, but she knew that her subconscious had been giving away a little more information than she was comfortable with while her inhibitions were down.

He went up on one elbow and leaned down to give her a long slow kiss. "It was incredibly hot," he assured her. "I love how vocal you are in bed, don't ever be embarrassed about that. Or think that I could ever get enough of you, so you don't have to worry about me ever stopping."

She tilted her head and gave him a kiss and then rubbed their noses together, a routine that Draco had finally grown accustomed to, but one she doubted he would ever stop teasing her about. However, she had a sneaking suspicion the simple affection actually pleased him greatly. "Good morning, love," she whispered.

"I have something for you," he told her as he turned over and removed something from the drawer of his bedside table.

"I thought you didn't want to do presents yet."

He smirked, but his eyes were wary. "I think I might have something of a fight on my hands about this with you and I find you're more...malleable in bed, so I'd like for you to open it now."

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