Chapter 10

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Warning: This is not my story. It is from RiverWriter on ao3.


"Hermione, Hermione!"

Somebody was calling her name and shaking her, and she just wanted whoever it was to go away, but they were persistent. She batted one hand in the direction of the voice, but it didn't help, it continued to call her name. Finally accepting that the person wasn't going to leave her to sleep in peace, she blinked, and glared at the source of the annoyance. Harry was standing over her looking rather amused.

"What's going on?" She wondered aloud.

"I was in your kitchen trying to scrounge up some breakfast- you need to do your shopping, by the way- and I heard the floo sound. I went to answer it to let the person know that I was going to let you have a bit of a lie-in and it was Malfoy," he suddenly grew more serious, "he couldn't disconnect the call fast enough. I think he jumped to conclusions, seeing me here so early, dressed like this," he gestured to the boxers and undershirt he was wearing. "You should probably go call him back."

"Damn it," she cursed softly.

She threw on a robe and pulled her hair back as she ran to the fireplace. She connected the floo and requested that it return the last call. After a few moments Draco answered, kneeling in front of his own floo, and she could see Scorpius playing in the background.

"Granger," he greeted coolly.

So, she thought, it was going to be like that. She blew out a breath to cool her own temper.

"Why did you disconnect the call before Harry could come get me?" She asked innocently. Though she was sure she already knew the answer to that question, she was going to make him admit it.

His face was impassive, but his eyes flashed with what she thought was disbelief, and more than a little anger.

"I didn't want to interrupt," he said, his voice having gone from cool to frigid.

She felt a frisson of irritation, but she slapped it down brutally. Because she couldn't pretend that if she'd called him this morning and found a woman in her underwear- no matter who it was- that she wouldn't have been upset as well.

"Let me come through," she surprised herself by saying.

"What?" He asked incredulously.

"Let. Me. Come. Through." She enunciated each word forcefully.


"Because I want to talk to you and I don't want to do it on my knees with my head in the fire," she rolled her eyes.

"Fine," he said sharply, "I'll adjust my wards and let you know when it's clear."

A few minutes later, after performing a breath-freshening charm, but not stalling any further for vanity's sake, she was stepping into a well appointed sitting room. The decor was opulent, which was no surprise, but she thought it was rather fussy and didn't fit Draco. However, her attention was quickly pulled from the furnishings. The wizard in question was standing in front of her, looming really, and looking at her menacingly.

It seemed the Draco she'd gone to Hogwarts with had finally made a reappearance. She would have recognized that sneer anywhere. But he hadn't intimidated her then; did he really think he could do it now? She huffed in annoyance. And yet, as she really took in the sight of him before her, she couldn't help the smirk that started to overtake her face.

She'd never seen him anything less than immaculately put together, even last week in the apothecary when he'd been so frazzled. But now he stood before her in black silk pajama pants and a dark grey shirt that clung to his chest. His hair was sleep ruffled and he had a day's worth of stubble. It was adorable, and sexy, and she couldn't help but think that he'd apparently been so anxious to talk to her when he woke up that he'd not even brushed his hair.

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