Chapter 4

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Warning: This is not my story. It is from RiverWriter on ao3.


Her owl must have been appropriate enough because Malfoy responded the next day and then they spent the rest of the work week corresponding in that manner. Back and forth, several times a day on Wednesday and Thursday, their letters grew increasingly flirtatious and Hermione found herself waiting for each one with a giddy anticipation that had her acting more like a schoolgirl than she ever had before, even when she'd actually been one.

They were both busy with work and she was helping Harry finish putting the details of Albus' birthday party together, so the plan to go to dinner evolved into a proposed trip to the park with a picnic on Sunday instead. Hermione was thrilled because that meant she would be able to see Scorpius again too, and was eagerly anticipating the outing. She was also trying not to get her hopes up about Malfoy's intentions.

But then he arrived unexpectedly at her office in the ministry at lunchtime on Friday. He appeared seemingly from nowhere. She just looked up from her work and he was leaning idly against her door frame with a smile on his face.

At first glance he simply looked happy and relaxed. But then she noticed the way his stormy eyes were focused on her and saw a much more intense emotion lurking beneath the surface. She got the impression that he'd been standing there studying her for awhile, and she suddenly felt exposed. It was not an altogether unpleasant feeling though, to be the object of his scrutiny. The man ran one of the largest corporations in the wizarding world. He was successful, powerful, and handsome; but he was standing there looking at her like there wasn't anything in the world he'd rather do than watch her all day. No, not unpleasant at all, in fact it was altogether rather heady.

"It's done," he stated when he realized he had her attention. "The parchment is all signed. I am officially no longer married," he continued as he strode into the office proper.

"Congratulations doesn't seem like quite the right sentiment," she responded wryly.

"Congratulations works." He made himself comfortable in one of her guest's chairs, propped his feet up on her desk, and smirked at her.

"Make yourself at home," she said sardonically, though she was really struggling to maintain her stern exterior. She was very pleased to see him. "How did you get past my assistant?" She asked.

He flashed her a smile. "I can be very charming, Granger."

Yes, she knew. Her fresh-out-of-Hogwarts assistant hadn't stood a chance against a determined Malfoy. The girl was probably still outside recovering.

"What are you doing here?"

"I came to take you to lunch to celebrate," he drawled.

"Doesn't it seem a little bit wrong to be celebrating your divorce?"

"Not at all," he said lightly, leaning forward to snatch a paperweight off her desk and tossing it into the air.

Here was the smug, self-assured aristocrat she'd expected all along. Strangely, it didn't bother her now that she knew that there was a lot more lurking beneath that exterior. And frankly, he had a lot of good reasons to be so confident. Now she just found it... well, sexy.

Still, he'd just gotten divorced. Wasn't he the least bit upset? She didn't feel comfortable pursuing that topic, but it was certainly too soon for them to be seen together in public. It wouldn't be good for either of their reputations, and given each of their positions in society, they were sure to be noticed if they had a meal together.

"Assuming I don't already have plans, where do you propose we go to lunch that we won't be gawked at the whole time?" She challenged.

He stopped tossing her paper weight.

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