chapter 23

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Saturday, February 10th

I have been with my family for the holidays. Oh and I passed all my modules with distinctions.

I am currently at Kgotso's house, he fetched me from my parents house last night because I am meeting his parents today. I know, hectic.

I am extremely nervous but I'm trying my best to stay calm or at least look like I am. We have been together for 8 months and we're still growing stronger and stronger with each day that goes by so he thought why not?

I am wearing a long white dress and a cream white cardigan. I am also wearing a white head wrap and all white yeezy boosts.

I have already prepared lunch so I just make the table look good and make sure everything is set.

Kgotso stands behind me and massages my shoulders before giving me a kiss on the neck.

Kgotso: just relax, baby. this stress is not good for the baby.
Me: what baby?
Kgotso: the one you're carrying.
Me: I am not carrying a baby.
Kgotso: if you say so.

His parents come in and I welcome them. His mom is so beautiful, I can't get my eyes off of her. She has R.I.B face syndrome though or maybe she doesn't like me? Am I overthinking this? Oh but her beautiful light skin? Mampho literally looks like her.

We all take our seats and Mampho joins us as well, she is very excited to see her grandparents. I bring all the different dishes for the day and place them on the table. Kgotso's mom dishes up for herself and Kgotso's dad. I dish up for Kgotso and I. I also dish up for Mampho. She accepts the dish and rolls her eyes at me.

The dad: son, is this the beautiful lady that will be accepting our cows?
Kgotso: yes, pa.
The mom: but she looks young, doesn't she? how old are you, my dear?

I clear my throat and respond...

Me: I'm turning 20 soon, ma.
The mom: haa! no, Kgotso. what happened to your age mates?
Kgotso: mama...
The mom: no, she is Mampho's age mate. are you not ashamed of yourself?where are you from?
Me: soweto.
The mom: and it gets worse. you are bringing us a township rat?
Kgotso: ma.
The mom: Mampho, isn't this the best friend you were telling me about?

Mampho nods and laughs. Kgotso shoots her a look and she stops but the grin is still on her face.

The mom: how dare you?! so you become friends with Mampho so you can worm your way to her dad? for money? you are a gold digger! sies!

She gets up and pulls me from my chair.

The mom: from this moment on, I want you to stay away from my son.
Me: with all due respect, ma...

I look down with tears in my eyes before looking her straight in the eyes.

Me: I love Kgotso and there's nothing...
The mom: oh shut up, you witch! you probably even gave my son a potion for him to love you.
Kgotso: mama, I will not have you come in my house and speak to my woman like that?
The mom: you call this thing a woman?
Kgotso: I'm afraid I'm going to have to ask you to leave. and please don't return to this house if you will not respect the woman of the house.
The mom: I forbid you from marrying this girl.
Kgotso: and I don't care so please see your way out or the security can escort you.
The dad: let's go. I am proud of you for standing up for your woman, son. you have shown me today that you really do love her.

Kgotso nods and the dad holds his wife's hand.

The dad: it seems you have lost your mind, let's go.

They exit and I run up to Kgotso's room where I cry my eyes out. I don't think I can do this. It hurts. He comes in and tries to comfort me.

Me: please leave, Kgotso.
Kgotso: baby...
Me: please leave.

He gets out and I hear his car drive out.

Mpho: what did you do to my dad, you gold digger?
Me: shut up and get out!

I push her out and lock the door. I cry until I feel sleepy so I just take a nap.

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