chapter 7

370 16 1

Monday, May 13th

I have no lectures or anything school related today so I decide to take my client up on the club offer.

I am wearing a black corset top and cute boyfriend jeans, I am also wearing white airforces. I then install the same straight weave I had last time and off I go.

I am going to meet her there. I get there and I find her already outside and we get our bracelet thingies before being granted access.

We go in and go to our section, baby girl even invited her boyfriend. I go to the bar and order some drinks. The waiter then helps me get them to our table.

I have only two drinks in the two hours that we are there. These two are acting all lovey dovey so I get up and join the dance floor. As I'm dancing, some guy holds my waist.

Me: let go of me.
Guy: come on, don't be boring. just dance with me.
Me: I don't want to.

Kgotso sees me at the club and his mood changes instantly.

Kgotso: what are you doing here?
Me: uhm sir.
Kgotso: let's go.

The guy who was touching me holds Kgotso. Kgotso turns back and punches him in the face. The guy falls and Kgotso bends down.

Kgotso: this woman is off limits. I will end you, do you hear me?
Guy: yes, sir.

He pulls me by my arm and once we get to his car...

Kgotso: get in.
Me: sir...
Kgotso: I wasn't asking.

I get in the car and he starts driving. While driving, his friends call him and he puts his phone on loudspeaker.

Kgotso: sho.
His friend: hey man, where are you?
Kgotso: I just have something to take care of. I am sorry, gents.

His friend dismisses the call and he keeps driving.

Me: where are you taking me?
Kgotso: why were you in the club?

I keep quiet and look down.

Kgotso: I asked you a question.
Me: I went there to have some fun with friends.

He looks straight ahead and keeps driving. He finally stops at his house and my friend is not here because she went to go visit her other family.

We get in and he tells me to change. I get in the shower and after that, I lotion my body using his products so you already know I smell like him.

I wrap a towel around my body and get out of the ensuite. When I enter the bedroom, I find him facing the ensuite door while on his phone.

Next to him is black sweatpants and a black hoodie which are obviously going to be huge on me.

Kgotso: wear this.

He gets up and tries to walk out but I stand in his way. I don't know why I'm doing this but here I am.

He looks at me and his eyes travel down my body, slowly. He then pulls me close to him and gives me a slow and passionate kiss so I just know he feels the same way about me.

He then stops and clears his throat before exiting the room. I smile to myself and wear the clothes he placed on the bed.

After a while, he comes back up. He rushes into the room and just grabs me.

Him: I have been wanting to do this since I met you.

He gives me the kiss again and man, I am over the moon! I break the kiss and we stare deep into each other's souls.

Me: if you have been waiting for so long then make it last forever.

He nods and the staring continues.

Him: then be mine.

I give him a kiss and nod while giving him a kiss. He picks me up and still maintains eye contact. He then places me on the bed and the rest is history.

My best friends stepmother.Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu