chapter 22

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Friday, June 23rd

I just finished writing my last paper and my skin looks like it. I know I said I wouldn't stress about exams but guess what? This thing is stressful whether you want it to be or not.

I have a pimple on my chin but it's going away. Anyway, my man is fetching me from campus today. I decided to take him up on his offer of living at his house.

Yes, yes, it's wrong but I don't really care. I'd really love for us to work out. Even if it's not forever, for as long as we can.

Anyway, he arrives and I get in the car. He gives me a kiss before fastening my seat belt for me.

Me: how was your day?
Kgotso: oh, just work. how was your exam?
Me: it was good, I'm just really tired. I just want to go home and sleep.
Kgotso: just sleep?
Me: yes.
Kgotso: is that fair on me?
Me: yes, Kgotso! I am tired, baby.
Kgotso: your food is in the backseat.

I grab the McDonald's doggy bags and I eat only the fries, I can't eat a burger while the car is moving.

We then speak about his work while we drive home. Kgotso owns a huge publishing company and he owns a mining company too.

We get home after a while and my mom calls to check up on me.

Mom: my baby.
Me: ma.
Mom: how is everything, how is res life?
Me: everything is good, mama. I have also finished writing my exams and everything is going well at res too.
Mom: you must come, my baby. we miss you so much.
Me: I miss you too, mama. I will be there soon.

We speak for a while longer and I end the call because I am honestly extremely tired.

I hop in the shower for a quick shower. I then do my skincare, lotion my body and wear my panda onesie. I get in the bed and Kgotso comes in. He places his laptop on the table and makes his way to the bed.

He lays down next to me. I then scroll on socials and we watch reels together. There are an awful lot of babies on my fyp because I have insane baby fever.

Kgotso: hai love, there are so many babies here. do you want one?

I nod and he looks at me and breaks out in laughter.

I'm sitting next to him, looking confused, trying to understand which part of me wanting a baby is funny. I get up from the bed and head downstairs, with Kgotso following behind me.

Kgotso: baby, come on. I thought you were joking.
Me: well, I'm obviously not.

Mampho pushes me as she walks past and I grab her arm and pull her back.

Me: listen here, I'm tired of the ill treatment that I receive from you. I am in love with Kgotso, I am not going anywhere so you better get used to my presence in this house. now if you don't mind...

I say continuing down to the kitchen. I grab my burger and go to the living room with it, where I eat, all by myself. I am watching 'Winnie the Pooh', leave me alone. I am going trough it.

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