Yandere werewolf bakugou x reader part 2 *I love you*

Start from the beginning

He asked me, I just looked at him in silence not knowing what to say, he then narrowed his eyes at me in frustration " when daddy asks you something little one you respond. So would you ever try to leave me?" He asks in a more intimidating tone "um... no" I said to him shaking my head slowly. His ears went up a bit "not to bad sweetheart but what do you call me?" He asked "um d-daddy?" I asked in a shaky voice "good bunny. Now put that with what you said before"

He said looking into my eyes expectingly "no daddy" I say again. He then gave me a big smile which showed me his razor sharp teeth, I flinched at the sight "very good bunny, now open your mouth so daddy can feed you" he then picked up the utensil again and bringing it to my mouth, I opened my mouth for him and ate it.

*little time skip*

Bakugou's pov

When I was done feeding my baby I then picked up the bottle I had set out before but it had gone cold by now. "Damn it, the bottles cold now. Here let's go to the kitchen then to heat it up" I then picked them up and sat them on my waist, I then walked to the kitchen and put it in the microwave. "When it's done do you want to put any thing in it sweetie? Like some sugar or cinnamon? I usually wouldn't let a little have anything sweet before bed but since you're being such an Angel for daddy I'll let it slide just this once" I said to them.

I noticed that they haven't been looking at me a lot when I talk to them so I gently grabbed their chin to face their face towards me. When I saw their face I saw they were crying, "what's wrong bunny?" I asked in a concerned tone, I watched as their lip quivered, struggling to speak "I-I'm ju not used to bwing cawed foe a-and it's a bit scawy becus I don know u" they said as more tears slipped down their face. "Oh bunny, I'm sure you'll get used to it after awhile"

*Time skip to bottle being done and putting stuff in it if you wanted to put stuff in it*

Y/n's pov

{I've been noticing that slowly I've been falling into little space after eating my dinner, which is not good for me because if little me starts to trust him then i don't know how I'm going to get out of here, or even stay out of little space. I can already feel that I'm nearly fully in little space} I think to myself panicking a bit because of my problem at hand. He takes me into a room which looks to be a master bedroom with what I assume is my bed not even 2 metres away from his. My side of the room has a crib with a Mobile hanging above it and to the side there is a Changing table and rocking chair.

He walks over to the rocking chair and sits down it, putting the bottle to the side so he can reposition me to be facing up at him (the stereotypical way you would hold a baby when you feed them). When he's done that he grabs the bottle and feeds it to me also starting to rock us back and forth. this time I don't fight or try to pull away, because little me has won the fight against big me. "Such a good angel for your daddy aren't you?" He says in a baby voice and it makes little me jump with excitement from the praise but big me is terrified.

When he's done feeding me the bottle he puts the bottle back on the side table and the kisses me on the forehead "I'm so glad you decided to do as I say little one, well maybe I should say I'm glad you ate the dinner" he says with a smirk. {why does he have an evil smirk?...wait what was in the dinner!?} I think to myself panicking "w-wai wha u put in din din?" I asked him, he then gives me a sweet smile "oh just something to help you regress, I just know big you is trying to force you to think like an adult but that won't happen here ever again, because you're too little for that and that's why I'm here" he then gets up with me in his hands and walks over to the crib to put me in it.

When he tries To put me down I latch onto him so he can't fully put me down "what's wrong baby?" He asks with a smile "s-so u mean I'll never be big again?" I asked in a fearful tone. "Yep, never again! Isn't that just amazing bunny?" He then forces my hands off of him so I'm now laying in the crib and gives me a toothy grin "u-um Nu I like being bwg some twimes" I say, he then looks at me with an irritated face "well you'll have to live without it now won't you sweetheart? Now open your mouth" the blond says as he pulls out a paci and tries to out it in my mouth "Nu!" I then turn my head and cover my face with the stuffy that was next to me.

"You little brat." He says through gritted teeth, he then grabs the stuffy out of my hands and pushes my hands away from my face to force the paci in my mouth. I start to feel tears welling up in my eyes and go to spit it out but he stops me by putting his finger on my paci "if you know what's good for you...you won't try that again, and if yo do I have something to make it stay there, but I don't think you'll like that sweetie so be good and don't make me be the bad guy, okay?" He says with a manic look on his face.

I just nod my head to him as tears roll down my face again, not wanting to upset him. "Here take this, it might help you calm down bunny" he then gives me my favourite stuffie from home. I quickly take it from him and push my tear stained face into it not wanting to be reminded of who is standing right above me.

"Good night baby, have a good sleep because tomorrow is when I'll start training you and teaching you how to be my perfect little. But tomorrow I won't be so forgiving of your tantrums, so you better behave from now on".

Hello lovely's hope you enjoyed this also just letting you know that I'm going to maybe up date my chapter of getting to know me because obviously I've changed over the past year and a half, so it can be more acute. Also thanks so much for all of the support on the book, sorry I don't post often at all. Hope you guys have a nice day/night

Love - moon 🌙

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