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I wake with pale arms wrapped around me as I'm tucked against Astarion's chest with his slightly cool breath on my neck. He murmurs every once in a while in his deep meditation.

I start to slip out of his grip and he tightens it, pulling me closer his face fully nuzzled against my neck now.

"You're awake." I smile to myself at the thought.

Since we had started sleeping together, actually sleeping together we'd always end up in one of two configurations. Either me waking up with my head on his chest or him with his on mine. Being held in such a gentle, but possessive manner reminds me of his words last night and how he doesn't want to let me out of his sight.

"I have been for a while." He says, "I wanted to make sure you were really here." His voice is so soft that I barely catch it. He inhales and kisses my shoulder.

"Are you ready to talk about Cazador?" I ask and he groans. "No? Then what about the creepy whispering book? I could barely fall asleep."

"I don't know, you slept pretty well." He hums.

"There's a specific reason for that." I glance over my shoulder to see his smile.

I suck in a breath as his hands drifts down my stomach, I can feel him firm against my ass. I reach down and grab his hand, stilling it as I lean back into him, wrestling with the desire for him to go further.

"I'm so happy that you're feeling more comfortable, but maybe we should still go a little slow." I say, "We still have to worry about Cazador and there's no telling if he knows you're close. When this is all said and done, we can steal away to some little cabin and not leave the bed for an entire weekend."

Astarion sighs and kisses my shoulder, "Promise?"

"Promise." I shift to turn him, the way his ruby eyes search mine tugging at my heart. "Talk to me."

He reaches forward and places with a lock of my hair, studying it, "The scars on my back bind me and my six brothers and sisters to a ritual. Cazador is going to try to ascend and become a new type of vampire. He won't suffer the hunger or burn in the sun."

"Do you think he knows you're here?" I ask and watch his expression.

"No. He would have attacked the camp by now and me being so close to Baldur's Gate it would also expose him for what he is. I would like the opportunity, catching him in a moment of weakness because of his lust for power." Astarion explains, releasing my hair and turning to look at me again.

"We should go into Baldur's Gate today and find you something to wear." Astarion says, his hand sliding over my bare stomach.

"Why do I need new clothes?"

He leans forward, pressing a kiss to my shoulder, "We can't just walk into Cazador's Palace with your current set of armor. We need something a bit more appropriate."

"Are you saying my clothes aren't expensive enough?" I furrow my brow, "You're embarrassed of me?"

He rolls his eyes, "Nothing of the sort, my love. I just mean you might not stick out as a potential threat if we're going to disrupt the ritual. We have to blend."

"Blend." I parrot, adding a bit more venom to the word.

Astarion smiles at me, "Just let me take you into town so I can buy you pretty things and show you were I live, you stubborn vengeful little creature."

For some reason those nicknames caused my heart to flutter more than when he calls me his "love" or his "darling". I know it comes from something deeper, leaning into his playful and teasing nature.

Blood & Wine - A Spawn Astarion Fan FictionWhere stories live. Discover now