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"That book is a nasty piece of work." Gale says as he sits across from me at the fire, hunched over his own tome.

I look up at him, the stolen book balancing on my thighs, "Is that your contribution?" I ask, "I thought you were looking for a way to open it or possibly dispel whatever magic is keeping it sealed."

He points to the cover, "That book has a lock that fits a key."

"An astute observation. I can tell you're well read." I slip my fingers under the cover, tugging at the latch wondering if I can snap it with sheer brute force.

Gale looks down at his book, waving a hand, "This is the third reference I've seen to it and it's not good. This book is considered a thing of legends, there's just crude descriptions, but no real etchings that match what you're holding."

"You're saying it's a legendary book." I say.

"The words, metal forged in the fires of the Nine Hells and each piece of velum used to bind the book is also bound to a soul, is used to describe it." Gale reads from the page.

"So, it's a haunted legendary book. That explains all the whispering." I raise my brows, "And nothing about a key?"

"No," Gale laughs to himself, "That's the funny part. All references expressly tell the reader never to open the book. Lest they be met with their greatest agonies. The key is the first obstacle, the souls of the book are the second. It's a test of mettle."

"Don't tell me there's a third." I turn the book over, sliding my thumb over where the metal latch meets the back cover.

I startle as I notice Shadowheart over my shoulder looking down at the book.

"I don't like it." She says.

I look up at her, "I'm sure the feeling is quite mutual."

"Certain dark magics can possess you or change you. I don't look forward to having a zombie vampire shambling around the camp while I sleep." Shadowheart says lifting her chin.

"If this book so happens to turn me into a zombie vampire, then you have my permission to end me in whatever manner you should prefer."

Shadowheart looks down at me, "Good. Though I didn't need it." She points to the cover before walking off, "That looks a lot like that pendant."

Gale looks up from his book, "Oh, she's right."

We have been sitting here for hours trying to open the book. I stare at Gale and huff out a breath of frustration before I dig through the leather pack at my feet to look for Nymeria's pendant, "Okay, where is it? Did you consume it?"

Gale gives me a look, "You can't be serious." He sits up, "There isn't enough magic in that thing to sustain me. Any it holds is residual, a remnant of some spell or incantation."

"Oh, nevermind I found it." I feel the cool metal against my fingertips and pull it out, flipping the book over and setting the amulet into the small square space on the front cover. Nothing, it's too thick to fit into the space. I lift the pendant into my hand and stare at it for a moment before grabbing my dagger from my hip.

"What are you going to do?" Gale asked, "You'll ruin it."

Using the edge of my dagger I begin to gently pry the setting of the pendant open, separating the gold from the green gemstone inside, "You said it was worthless."

"Still a pretty emerald all the same. It's a soft stone, you could score it with that blade." Gale says closing his book to watch me closely.

I hold the gem in front of him with a smile, "Not a scratch on it."

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