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The passage that Izza leads us to comes out just outside the perimeter of the goblin camp less than a stone's through away from the river that runs close to the Grove. We continue walking well into the day and find ourselves at the Emerald Grove gates just shy of dusk.

As we approach with the large wood elf leading the group, one of the druids standing guard at the top of the gate cries out, "It's him! Halsin has returned!"

I roll my eyes as the mechanisms of the gate begin to clack, the wooden panel lifting to reveal a couple druids waiting patiently. Beside me I feel Nymeria's fingers brush against the back of my hand, I look down between us then up at her smiling face staring straight ahead.

"No, truly, I owe my thanks and my life to this group of adventurers. We fought side by side and took down the goblin horde bringing peace back to our surrounding forest." Halsin smiles, his arm gesturing to the group. I catch how his eyes linger on Nymeria and I turn to see her looking up at me.

"How does it feel?" She asks.

I furrow my brow, confused, "What do you mean? How does what feel?"

"You're a hero." She knocks her shoulder against my arm playfully, "We saved the tieflings and stopped Kagha's ritual from destroying the Grove."

I struggle to find a moment where I feel like my deeds were heroic. It's such a strange concept, heroism, true selflessness can borderline on martyrdom while heroism for the sake of being a hero is selfish. If both of theses are true then where do I stand? Acting out of nothing more than self preservation.

How can one heroic deed erase the centuries of pain I have inflicted? How can I possibly begin to make amends? The prospect of it all makes me feel like I'm drowning.

"Hey." Nymeria mutters softly, her fingers interlacing with mine.

I notice everyone has begun to wander deeper into the Grove leaving us standing at the gates as they close behind us.

"Are you okay?" she asks, concern knitting her face.

I can feel that the smile I give her doesn't quite reach my eyes, "Yes, dearest. I am perfectly fine."

"Okay." She responds, and now we are both liars. I feel her squeeze my hand once more then release it as she goes to follow the others as they gather around Zevlor. I stay a couple paces behind her.

"...with the goblins gone we can continue on to Baldur' Gate." Zevlor says with a smile, "It is truly a cause for celebration. If you would allow, we would like to show our appreciation tonight when you make camp. We will be providing the food and wine, naturally."

"Absolutely." Gale smiles, "I feel we all could use a bit of time to unwind and lick our proverbial wounds."

We make camp close to the cliffs near the Emerald Grove, with the beach being just a ways to our east the air is much cooler. It isn't balmy like it is when we set camp deeper into the woods and the smoke from the fire doesn't permeate the air as much. The low crackle is almost calming with the melody that the two bards are weaving for the crowd.

The camp is overrun with the tiefling refugees, man woman and child all share the same hopefulness and ambition. To be quite honest it's a bit more intoxicating than the wine. The sense of new beginnings unraveling and a clean slate ahead of you. Not being weighed down by thoughts of impending doom. I almost wish to indulge, to walk over to Nymeria where she's speaking with Halsin. Why in the world did he come? But, I resist. I was quick to learn any movement awarded me praise and thanks from the tieflings, their faces melting into one as the night goes on. I don't deserve to be celebrated for being there, for going through the motions.

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