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There's a strangled gasp behind me and I whip my head around to see the goblin body slide from Astarion's arms as he pries the crossbow from the dead goblin's hands. I let out a sigh of relief and I see his mouth twist into his cocky smile, fangs and all.

The drums continue to sound throughout the temple, distant calls and commands getting closer and closer with every beat.

"We need to bar the door." Gale growls, red magic crackling at his fingertips. "Buy us a bit of time."

My eyes search the room falling upon a candelabra leaning against the stone wall opposite of me, I rush over to grab it and squeeze past Astarion, wedging it's stem between the latches on the door. I'm not sure if the wood is strong enough for it to hold, but at least it will warn us if someone is breaking through.

A sharp whistle pierces the air and I turn to see a massive spider crawling through a hole in the ceiling, dropping down onto the steps leading towards Halsin and the rest of the goblins, cutting us off from the battle.

"The worgs!" Halsin growls out, his bear form lurching forward after a goblin that breaks formation to rush towards the cage housing the ravenous worgs.

Before us the spider clicks in response, turning and spewing a tendril of web in Halsin's direction, slowing the bear's approach to a crawl as he struggles against the tangle of fibers at his feet.

Gale calls out, loosing the ruby sparks at his fingertips, each of them soaring through the air and finding a target. Two of them crash into goblins with enough force to knock them back and the other catches one of the spider's legs, snapping with a clean break just above the bend.

Clicks sound from the spider's mandibles as it shuffles towards us again, a green almost acidic sludge seeping from it's mouth and clinging to the tips of it's fangs.

"I wouldn't touch that." Astarion chides, "It looks sticky."

I drop to all fours as I shift into my wolf form, the familiar sensation sending a shock of adrenaline up my spine. I bound past the spider, but not before it reaches out and scrapes the sharp edge of it's leg across my side. The pain causes me to stumble, nearly falling down the stairs, but at the last moment I regain my footing and charge towards the goblin standing near the worg cages.

Lunging, my teeth snap at the air just out of reach of the goblin as he pulls the lever. The pair of worgs force themselves through the opening of the bars, snarling and snapping at my legs. I'm barely able to dodge them and the crossbow bolt that sings through the air, sinking into one of the worg's haunches, forcing it backwards with a strangled yelp.

I turn to see Astarion, his mouth twisted, shouting a warning that I miss as the other worg crashes into my middle, biting at my hind legs. I scramble to my feet and swing around, catching the advancing worg's neck in my jaws. With our size difference I'm able fend him off, a growl tearing from my throat as I taste blood.

Dusty white fur surges into my peripheral vision and I turn to see Halsin slamming his paw down on the goblin beside us, it's form crumpling to the ground. He makes quick work of the injured worg and I turn to see the remaining one lying prone against a stone wall.

My wolf heart surges and I howl, coaxing the goblin's attention to me. Magic tickles my nose as I watch Gale send out bolt after bolt of electricity to stagger the spider while Astarion shoots his crossbow trying to snipe the remaining goblins gathered between us.

Halsin moves to guard me as the goblins turn their sights on us, swords and cleavers drawn. He rushes forward, swinging, sharp claws finding purchase in goblin flesh causing them to fold while he flails and sends others flying from the sheer force of his movements.

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