XIV: Countdown to Breakdowm

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XIV: Countdown to Breakdown

Third POV

Katsuki felt like such an idiot.

Here he was, in his own home, no less, sneaking around as if he was a criminal.

He had to come up with every excuse imaginable to get Asui to leave him alone for the evening after Sero and Kaminari had made their grand departure.

What after giving him an interesting idea.

What was he to do?

A day after tomorrow would be their anniversary.

If Izuku wasn't going to tell him, then he would find out on his own terms.

And so, he slunked to the opposite hallway of their bedroom and quietly scurried into Izuku's home office.

If he was correct, the password here was the same one at home.

And seeing as how Izuku was always rushing to get back out and stay out, he probably didn't have time to change the computer password.

But, he did have to be careful.

Izuku could probably check into the office remotely whenever he wanted.

With a light thud, Katsuki closed the thick office door, and left the lights off.

He spotted the camera angled to view the room; grabbing a Manila folder and carefully placing it, as if it had inconspicuously slipped and covered up the lense.


Katsuki could feel his heart beat at what felt like a thousand miles an hour as he typed in the password.

If Izuku did and Katsuki placed in a wrong attempt, Izuku would know he's in here due to an alert on his phone.

"Okay... let's see..." Katsuki fidgeted, as he probably backspaced and retyped it 3 times before checking it was correct.

Like the one back at work, this password was a variation of Katsuki's birthday and their first official date.

His eyes watched as it loaded for a second and suddenly it appeared onto the homepage.

Katsuki nearly dropped to his knees in pure relief as he took a seat and began to click onto Izuku's main browser button.

Waiting for it to load felt like ages, but when it did the first thing he did was go to Izuku's emails.

"...Just look for anything strange..." Katsuki thought to himself, thankful that Izuku was already logged in so he could just scroll through.


As the latest messages in his inbox popped up on the screen, Katsuki felt that weight that supposedly had been lifted during the dinner, slam back down on him.

Full force to.

105 emails.

All from Ochaco Uraraka and who Katsuki suspected to be from her family.

𝐁𝐑𝐀𝐓 ||𝐈.𝐌 &𝐊.𝐁||Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon