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"you need to get in there." robin ordered.

"hey my board. that was important data, shitbirds." robin seethed. she was growing more frustrated by the minute.

"i guarantee you, what we're doing is way more important than your data." dustin snapped back, causing sam to peek her head through the window.

"yeah? and how do you know these russians are up to no good anyways?" robin asked.

"russians? what?" sam questioned aloud.

"how does she know about the russians?" dustin asked steve.

"i don't know." steve replied, still chewing his banana.

"you told her about the russians?" dustin continued.

"it wasn't me." steve insisted.

"hello, i can hear you. actually i can hear everything. you are both extremely loud. you think you have evil russians plotting against our country, on tape. and you're trying to translate but you haven't figured out a single word. because you didn't realize russians use an entirely different alphabet than we do. sound about right?" robin summarized, as both boys looked dumbfounded.

"whoa! what do you think you're doing?" steve asked, jumping to grab the tape from the table.

"i want to hear it." robin said. "me too." sam pitched in, but quickly turning around at the sound of the counter bell.

"why?" steve and dustin asked.

"cause maybe i can help. i'm fluent in four languages, you know." robin began.

"russian?" dustin asked.

"ou-yay are-yay umb-day." robin spoke, it clearly being pig latin. causing sam to smirk. both boys began to cheer.

"that was pig latin, dingus." robin laughed.

"idiot." steve scolded dustin.

"but i can speak spanish and french and italian, and i've been in band for twelve years. my ears are little geniuses, trust me." robin said sitting down at the table.

"come on, it's your turn to sling ice cream. my turn to translate. i don't even want credit. i'm just bored. not to mention your girlfriend is out there slinging ice herself." robin begged.

"wait, sam's here?" steve asked, immediately grabbing his scoop and heading out to the counter.


for probably the first time ever, sam didn't have to force steve to actually do his job. he was happy to work and talk at the same time, but he was clearly sort of thinking about the russian message. steve had ultimately decided that this was an opportunity to spend time with his girlfriend, and he should take it.

"hi." steve said, as the last customers in line walked away.

sam sat herself on the counter. "hi." she smiled.

"i've missed you." the boy smiled pressing a kiss to her lips.

"it's only been a day." she said, an amused smile on her face. "a very long day." he said, taking his sailor hat off.

 𝐎𝐍𝐋𝐘 𝐈𝐍 𝐇𝐀𝐖𝐊𝐈𝐍𝐒Where stories live. Discover now