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One night, Sonic had a particularly unsettling nightmare. He dreamt of a dark and chaotic world, where he felt powerless and alone, unable to protect the city or his friends. The vivid nightmare left him feeling vulnerable and shaken.

Sonic decided to talk to Chun-Li about it the next morning. He trusted her completely and believed that sharing his fears with her might help ease his unease.

"Chun-Li," Sonic began, his voice revealing his concerns, "I had a really bad nightmare last night. It was about failing to protect the city and the people I care about. I've never felt so helpless before."

Chun-Li looked at Sonic with empathy, realizing the distress his dream had caused him. "I'm sorry to hear that, Sonic. Nightmares can be pretty rough. You know, you don't have to face them alone."

Sonic considered her words and felt a sense of comfort in her presence. "Chun-Li, would it be alright if I... I mean, could I sleep in the same bed with you from now on? Your presence always makes me feel safe."

Chun-Li smiled, understanding his need for reassurance. "Of course, Sonic. I'm here for you. We can share a bed. That way, you won't have to face those nightmares alone."

From that night forward, Sonic and Chun-Li slept side by side in the same bed. Their shared presence provided Sonic with a sense of security and comfort that helped him sleep more peacefully. As they lay together, they found themselves sharing stories, discussing their adventures, and finding solace in each other's company.

Over time, Sonic's nightmares became less frequent, and he realized that he had found a source of strength and reassurance in Chun-Li. Their partnership was not only about fighting villains and protecting the city but also about supporting each other through the challenges that arose in their personal lives.

Sonic and Chun-Li's shared bed became a symbol of their trust and the deep bond they had formed in the bustling city of New York. Together, they faced whatever the world threw at them, drawing strength from their partnership and their shared dreams of a brighter tomorrow.

Sonic The Hedgehog X Street Fighter : PRECIOUS AGESHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin