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In the aftermath of their intense battle against M. Bison and Shadaloo, Chun-Li and Sonic found a moment of respite in a quieter part of New York City. The streets, once filled with chaos, had returned to their usual bustling rhythm.

Chun-Li was thoughtful as she watched Sonic, who had returned to his normal form after his Super Sonic transformation. She couldn't help but feel a sense of gratitude and admiration for the blue hedgehog. His extraordinary strength had been a game-changer in their battle against the formidable foe.

Approaching Sonic with a serious expression, Chun-Li cleared her throat. "Sonic, I owe you an apology."

Sonic turned to her, a bit surprised by her tone. "An apology? What's that for, Chun-Li?"

Chun-Li took a deep breath. "During our first encounter, I was dismissive of your abilities. I judged you solely based on your appearance and origin back in 1993, I didn't give you the credit you deserved."

Sonic tilted his head, a curious expression in his eyes. "Yeah, you were a bit skeptical, but hey, I get it. Not everyone's familiar with a blue hedgehog who can run at supersonic speeds."

Chun-Li nodded, her gaze sincere. "But I after you saved me from that explosion way back that year, I was wrong. Your strength, especially in your Super Sonic form, is unmatchable. You proved that in our battle against M. Bison. You were the key to our victory, and I wasn't as opened minded as now to tell you that years ago"

Sonic smiled, appreciating Chun-Li's honesty and humility. "Thanks for saying that, Chun-Li. I knew we'd make a great team, and you were and still are pretty awesome yourself. No need to apologize. We all have our first impressions."

Chun-Li smiled back, relieved by Sonic's understanding. "You're right, Sonic. I shouldn't have underestimated and judged you, and I'm glad I didn't let my pride get in the way of recognizing your incredible abilities."

Sonic shrugged, his trademark confidence returning. "No worries. We make a dynamite duo. Let's just keep looking out for each other and taking down the bad guys, no matter where they come from."

With a renewed sense of partnership and respect, Chun-Li and Sonic shared a fist bump. The city of New York may have been an unusual place for their adventures, but it was clear that their bond as heroes continued to grow stronger, and they were prepared for whatever challenges lay ahead.

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