Chapter Sixty One

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The next day I started training with Damien, training to kill our own family. Or well just one person who was a part of it.

By the end of the first week of training I still hadn't worked on any offensive training which was fine with me. I'd rather only learn defensive stuff given the fact that I wasn't exactly on board to actually kill anyone. I didn't think I had it in me to kill another human being.

That's where Damien came in. He was an assassin, had already killed countless people and this would just be another number to him, or so he said.

As we ended our three hour training session for the day I quickly drank about more than half of my water bottle. One thing about training with my brother was that we didn't stop or take breaks for the entire three hour period. I was always needing to replenish my electrolytes by the time we were done.

As I grabbed the small towel I kept on the bench beside the door before wrapping it around my neck I felt Damien place a hand on my shoulder.

"There's something I want to show you after today, go shower and meet me in the living room please." He told me and I nodded as I wiped some of the sweat off of me with the small towel.

"I'll meet you in the living room in like twenty minutes then." I told him as I made my way up out of the basement before making my way back upstairs.

As I was rounding the corner to go to my room I hadn't been paying much attention and ran into someone. I looked up to see who it was only to see Jin looking down at me.

"Careful there. How did training go today?" He asked me and I sighed softly.

"I'm still only learning defensive stuff which is fine, but now he has something to show me before he leaves tonight." I told him and he nodded a bit before a thoughtful look took over his eyes.

"He did ask Yoongi for some help with something earlier on in the week. I wonder if it has anything to do with it." He said more to himself than me.

"What did he ask Yoongi for help with?" I asked him and he immediately shrugged.

"You'd have to ask Yoongi, he never told any of us. But if he asked Yoongi that means it must be something to do with a computer or something I would guess." He told me and I nodded, before sighing once again. I wouldn't be able to ask Yoongi about it since he was away on a job.

"The one time I have to ask him something and he's away on a job." I said as I shook my head softly.

"I'll call him while you shower and see if he isn't too busy to answer your question. I just left a Gatorade in your room for you by the way." He told me and I stood up on my tippy toes before placing a kiss on his cheek softly.

"Thank you Jin, I'll see you in a bit." I told him as I made my way to my room before taking a shower.

Once I was out I changed into some leggings and an oversized sweater. I picked up the Gatorade on my nightstand and drank some of it before carrying the bottle downstairs with me.

As I walked into the living room I saw Damien messing around with the TV a bit. I watched him for a bit as he kept messing with something in the settings. It looked like he was trying to cast his phone to the TV.

"Your Korean isn't that good is it? Would you like some help?" I asked him as Jungkook was staring at the TV a bit confused. He was probably trying to understand what Damien was trying to do.

"I've got it, Yoongi helped me I just gotta remember what I'm looking for." He said as I sighed and crossed my arms across my chest.

I sat down on the couch beside Jungkook and watched as the TV finally connected to his phone. The TV lit up with a video that was paused.

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