Chapter Nine

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There was nothing that could be heard besides the sounds of Jin cooking. As soon as I had sat down it had become very quiet in the room. Everyone at the table was looking at Namjoon, as I was looking at everyone around the table.

Namjoon seemed to be their leader, or the person that made big decisions for them. I'm guessing since my soulmark for him was a brain, he was the smartest.

"Where should we start?" Namjoon said, more to himself than to me or the others.

I still chose to speak up softly. "The truth is a  always a good place to start. I mean, not to imply anything, but you guys knew about me before I knew about you guys so." I said in a soft and honest tone.

Namjoon looked back over to me as he seemed to be deep in thought. "How much of the truth do you want? I mean you just went through a traumatic event, so I don't want to possibly add to all you're going through right now." He told me and I thought about this.

Did this mean there was a lot that they had to tell me? Or was it just that it could be a lot to take in?

"I can handle all of the truth. And the truth is important, I don't think keeping secrets is a good thing." I told him in an honest tone as he just nodded at my statement.

I watched as Namjoon stayed that way for a little bit before pointing over to Jungkook, which confused me. "For starters Jungkook here is not actually a high school student, we only enrolled him in your school to get closer to you. He actually graduated a few years ago." Namjoon told me and I looked over at Jungkook who was just looking back at me the entire time.

"How old are you all exactly?" I asked them as I looked around at all of them.

"Well Jungkook being the youngest is twenty-five, Taehyung and Jimin are twenty-seven, I'm twenty-eight, Hoseok is twenty-nine, and Jin and Yoongi are thirty." Namjoon told me and I nodded a bit before thinking that over.

"Wait so why exactly send him back to school with me when he probably graduated like five to six years ago?" I asked him confused as to why they would do that to him. School was hell.

"We needed one of us to get closer to you so we could tell you truth about who we are to you. You wouldn't have believed had all seven of us been strangers, and just walked up to you one day and told you that we were all your soulmates." Yoongi said in an honest tone and I nodded at his statement. It made a lot of sense.

"Alright that's the ages stuff down, and the whole fake high schooler thing down as well. So what else is there?" I asked myself as I looked down at the table.

"There are a few things that we should confess as well to doing." Jungkook said causing me to look back up only to see him looking over at Namjoon still.

"Since Sunday night, the night of the party we had kinda been keeping tabs on you by watching you and stuff." Jimin spoke up from where he sat beside Namjoon and I was a bit shocked at his words.

"Wait like watching me as in stalking me?" I asked as that made sense. Since Sunday night I had been feeling like I had always been watched, and then there was the person I had seen outside my apartment building the other night as well.

"Yes, that would be the correct term for it." Hoseok said from beside me and I shook my head a bit.

"I know there is seven of you and one of me, but how the hell did you guys do that? Like you guys have jobs and stuff right? So how did you guys balance work and watching me all the time?" I asked and as my eyes met with Namjoon I knew I had stumbled onto something I probably shouldn't have asked since the look in his eyes was one of uncertainty.

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