Chapter 45. A Strong, Good Feeling.

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Have I The Right - Dead End Kids (1977)


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Xander's POV.

I left River's room stunned by his revelation.

Mervyn hadn't appeared in any photos or videos on Trevor's phone or Dropbox, not facially at least. There hadn't been that many photos or videos of boys being buggered but it could've been him doing it. Who's to say who it was as only the face of the boy being buggered that was seen.

I rushed back to the room.

"Nessie wants to see you immediately!" Cliff advised as soon as I walked in. "I'm guessing you've been rumbled for using the computer."

"Can I borrow your phone, please?" I asked, as I put my iPad in my school bag.

He raised an eyebrow as he made to hand it over. "Why?"

"None of us are 100% sure about going to see Jock but if I explain everything to Nessie I have a feeling that he will be able to help us."

"That's a bit risky, isn't it? Nessie doesn't have the same authority as old Jock."

"No....., but I really do have this good feeling that he will help us...., or at least give us some good advice."

"Why the urgency? You were in the toilet for a long time? Did something happen?"

"I've just heard that someone is going to get raped tonight. It was going to happen last night but obviously with what went on it didn't happen. I really believe that Nessie will be able to stop it and also help us."

"I know you like him Xander, but can you really trust him?"

"Yes....! I can't explain it, but I have this strong, good feeling about him. It's as if he understands what I went through...., he gave me the key to the Music Wing, didn't he?"

"Yes, but does this mean you're going to tell him about us?"

"I have a feeling he already knows."

"You and your bleeding feelings! Okay. I like Nessie and trust him more than I trust old Jock but just do me a favour and be careful what you say. He's a Master at the end of the day."

Cliff then reminded me of his PIN number and, putting his phone in my bag, I headed for the Music Wing.

"Oh! By the way," Cliff called out as I was just leaving the room. "That Mervyn Rhys-Jones was looking for you. Wanted to know if you wanted to meet with him this evening. Wondered if you wanted to learn to sing something else in Welsh with him?"

"I hope you didn't say yes." I answered, rather taken aback.

"When I look in the mirror I don't have 'TOIDI' or 'TARP' written on my forehead! Of course not. I told him you were no longer interested in singing with him as you were far too important. For some reason I've got a funny feeling about him and it doesn't make me laugh."

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