Chapter 20. Temptations & Frustrations.

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Logan Holland

Clifton's POV.

It was after midnight when we snuck back into our room. Xander easily replaced the bars in the frame and fixed the holding discs back into position. A little bit of dust, wetted with his finger, hid any tell tale signs that they could be removed. It was most ingenious and whoever had thought of doing it must have been pretty clever.

I lay down on my bed, pleased that I had mentioned my idea for Half Term as Clayton's piss taking had highlighted some flaws in my plan. He made me realise that taking Xander with me to my parents house for a whole week and telling them he was gay and I was his boyfriend was not very clever. Going for a couple of days would be the better option. It had been left that Xander was going to call his grandparents to see if I could go with him there for a few days beforehand. That way I wouldn't have been forced to stay at my home for any length of time after I had dropped my bombshell.

I was glad that I had settled things with Xander too. Being my special friend who is a boy was the best way to go, even though we were likely to be kissing friends.

I slept well that night.

Over the next couple of weeks I could tell Xander was happy as he smiled more and was less moody. We talked a lot. I mean really a lot. The thing was the more we talked the more I liked him and it was hard not to step over the line we had set ourselves.

Working on our music project, whenever we could, helped. It made us focus our minds on something else rather than each other and it was coming along better than I had ever hoped. Xander had done wonders with the arrangement and we hadn't had to seek out any help from Nessie or anyone else like some of the other guys had.

Guys like Niko in particular.

He was always seeking me out wanting my help or advice. Not just when we were in the Music Wing though, as he would often knock on our door, wanting to show me something he had written that didn't sound right. It was so obvious he was flirting with me. Obvious to me and obvious to anyone else, especially Xander.

I recalled Xander's previous warning that Niko was trying to seduce me.

The thing was I sort of liked Niko to look at. He was cute and very attractive, more so than Xander. He was very nicely proportioned, particularly in his rear end. Still not my ideal type but in the past I probably would have succumbed to his seductive advances and have taken him up on his offer to meet me after lights out. As cute and as sexy as he looked, nothing else about him interested me.

There was not the feeling of desire and interest that I felt towards Xander. There was only the feeling that he was dangerous and I couldn't quite put my finger on why.

Rejecting his advances only seemed to make things worse as he doubled his efforts to seduce me.

I wondered if he had somehow sensed I was gay and was trying to entrap me.

I was so relieved that he was still doing his rugby training with the reserves otherwise I would have had him bugging me whilst I was training too and I had enough to contend with, what with Trevor acting weirdly.

Ever since the cup match he had been more amenable when training or playing a game. Despite the fact Kasper and Fabian had been demoted to the Reserves he was less argumentative and confrontational. Some of his arrogance was tempered too and he played more as a team member than before.

It left me feeling uneasy as off the pitch he was still being a bully to other boys, especially Logan. I felt some sympathy for Logan as he just seemed to accept Trevor's bullying.

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