Chapter 23. Niko.

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Niko Dela Cruz played by Wex Andre.

Xander's POV.

I was in the middle of packing my bags when Cliff returned. He wasn't alone as he had Niko, complete with his packed bags and dressed like he was about to leave for home, with him.

"I caught him just as he was about to leave," Cliff informed me as he closed the door behind them, "but he's agreed to talk to us before he goes."

"You didn't say he'd be here!" Niko snapped sharply. "I thought it would be just you and me."

"I'm not that stupid to be caught alone with you....! Not after you set up Logan." Cliff retorted as he forced Niko to sit on his bed and stood in front of him. I sat on my bed and kept quiet.

"I was set up too." Niko answered. "I was told that only Logan would be sent down but Jock said it would be better for the school if I didn't come back next term either. It's not fair because the bastard raped me."

"But you weren't raped, though, were you? I've already spoken to Logan so I know what went on."

"Yes I was!" Niko angrily replied. "I told him I didn't want to go through with it so in anyone's language it's definitely rape."

"Are you okay....?" Cliff nodded towards Niko's lower regions. "I mean down there..., you know.. How badly did Logan hurt you?"

"I think I'm okay and I'm more than relieved he didn't get a chance to get it all in. I'm bloody sore as hell though and Matron has patched me up pretty good and given me some pills to take. I have a funny feeling she has had to do it before."

Cliff took a folded piece of paper from his back pocket and handed it to Niko. He unfolded it and after reading it he began crying. I went across and sat down next to him, resting a hand on his shoulder.

I read the note that he still had open in his hand. 'Meet me tonight in the GF toilet block at 1am. If you do you can fuck me.'

Cliff took the note back. "This is the note you gave me and according to Logan you gave him a note like that too...., only you made sure that he would turn up by asking him to provide the lube."

"I told him I had changed my mind and didn't want to go through with it but he wouldn't have any of it and just forced himself on me. I kept telling him to stop because it hurt but he just carried on."

"Why change your mind, though? Giving someone a note like that and backing out at the last minute is playing a dangerous game. Why not just ask someone to meet and take it from there?"

"Because I was made to. I was told what to say to make sure that he turned up or an embarrassing picture of me would be posted online." Niko looked at me, "I'll be humiliated and be treated just like you've been.

"So Trevor is blackmailing you too, is he?" Cliff instantly replied. "Don't tell me he has a picture of you sucking his dick too?"

I looked in disbelief at Cliff. Astounded at the question but equally astounded at Niko's reply affirming that it was true.

"I'm not gay but like a lot of boys in here it's just a bit of fun having someone else toss you off. Sheridan saw me and another boy doing just that and he warned me to be careful with who I was seeing because if they said anything, or anyone else caught me, then I was putting myself at risk of being targeted because of my race. I didn't know what he meant by that but a couple of weeks later Trevor cornered me in the changing rooms after training and said he had heard I gave good head and said he would expose me if I didn't blow him. I didn't know he took a picture of me as I was doing it but the next week when I refused to do it again he showed me and said if I didn't do whatever he asked he would make my life worse than Alexander's."

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