Chapter 42. Dissension.

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Xander put his hand back on the door, stopping me opening it again. "Tell you what.... To make up for getting you excited and being left high and dry, I'll come and watch you today."

It was my turn to kiss him. "Brilliant! I'll look out for you."


Trevor was glaring at me as we sat in the changing rooms waiting for the call to go out on the pitch.

I tried to ignore it but couldn't. "What's your problem?" I eventually asked as I glared back.

Trevor sneered and didn't reply to me directly. He placed a hand on each of Kasper's and Fabian's shoulders. "You know guys, I can't believe that Dickie is putting all his trust in a Nancy boy like him. You can't rely on that sort as much as real men, can you? It's looking like it's gonna be down to us proper men to win the game."

I didn't react but Leo did. He grasped Trevor by the throat and hauled him to his feet and lifted him so high he could only stand on tiptoes. He slammed Trevor up against the wall.

"If we lose this game because of you then you won't know what's hit you! We've got your number you....."

"Leo!" I shouted out, worried that he would spoil everything by unwittingly let Trevor know we knew what he had been doing. "Let him go.... Please.... We can win this with or without him. Dickie knows that and will act accordingly like he did before."

Leo cast an angry look at me before staring back at Trevor. It didn't look like he was going to let him go but it was Bradley's hand on Leo's shoulder and the quiet word in his ear that cooled Leo's anger.

Trevor hit the floor and crumpled in a heap, clutching at his throat, just as the call came to go out on the pitch.

We filed out of the changing room in silence with Leo and I leaving last.

"Sorry!" Leo apologised as we jogged onto the pitch. "I almost lost it when he cast the slur about you not being a real man. I could've fucked everything up for you if you hadn't called out......, but that toe-rag really gets my goat!"

"I know..., and I do appreciate you shutting him up..., but let's just win this first and then we can sort him out, once and for all, okay?"

I bumped fists with him as we all gathered around Dickie for his final pep talk of words which were meant to inspire us.

As we lined up to start the game I looked for Xander amongst the throng of spectators. It was only because he waved at me and was with Roland and Jacob, who always stood out in a crowd, that I saw him.

The smile left my face immediately. Mervyn Rhys-Jones was with them too.

'What the fuck is he sniffing around for!'  I thought as the referee blew the whistle.

Roding Abbey Academicals, on past form and on paper, were not the most difficult of adversaries but it was a cup knockout game and anything could, and usually did, happen.

With Logan gone Dickie had been forced to rearrange the team and had gone back to selecting his old standard opening team. I wasn't too happy with Fabian being selected instead of Chalky as Scrum Half as I, as Fly half I felt I had more rapport with Chalky. It was the same with Dickie sticking with Franklyn Spencer-Ryder as Inside Centre, as I thought that Dexter Bailey had progressed so much in recent games that I had hoped he would retain his place. I was more than happy with Zane Chester playing at Outside Centre, instead of Trevor but I knew having Trevor playing as Right Wing could likely cause some friction within the team if he didn't get his own way.

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