chapter 5: revolution short

Start from the beginning

-B-well, you didn't move and you didn't respond and you were white! Although... Wow - Spike finally shut up at the sight.

At this moment you were a rainwing and since you had just woken up and you were conscious now your body was changing color to show a gigantic map of stars and the universe itself on your body. You looked at yourself nonchalantly while snarling to yourself. The same thing always happened to you when you lost concentration.

In order not to explode the boy's head, you adopted some more normal colors while Spike continued to look at you in astonishment; You understood why the child thought he was dead even though that did not clear up the doubt as to how he knew that white meant illness...

You just looked at the boy with a blank look.

Spike: WOW! How did you do that?!

Y/N: Why did you pick me up Spike? - you evaded the question

Spike looked confused by the change in subject but then started to speak.

Spike: Uhh yeah. Well, I... I recently realized that Twilight doesn't appreciate my work very much and today I reached the top when she accused me of a mess that she hadn't done when she had already organized the library again!!! - he end up screaming in frustration.

Spike realized that he had yelled and blushed slightly, causing the softest part of your brain to die of diabetes.

Spike: Yeah I decided I'm not going to stay with Twilight anymore until she doesn't value my work. And since the rest don't take me seriously I thought and believed that it would be a good idea to ask you for help. Although if you're not interested I'll understand...

Contrary to what anyone would expect, you approached Spike very excited about what you had heard with a gigantic smile that made Pinkie feel embarrassed.

Pinkie: Hey!

Glaedr: But what?! Get out of here! *points a shotgun at her and shoots leaving a dead pinkie with her brains scattered everywhere*

Glaedr: I really hate Pinkie. CLEANING!

Y/N: Are you telling me you want to go on strike?!

Spike backed away a bit confused.

Spike: Uhhh... What's a strike?

You smiled even more if it was possible. Oh! this was going to be so much fun!...

Y/N: Well, my dear servant, a strike is a form of protest in which its participants or members refrain from carrying out the activity they normally carry out, usually to the detriment of those to whom they direct their claims or complaints and sometimes these same ones are the ones that make people realize their own situation, generating a great revolution... - you whispered the last part to yourself.

Spike: What was that last part?

Y/N: Nothing! - you answered too quickly- So that means yes?!

Spike: Well... if what I understood is true then... yes, that's what I want!

You squeezed the little one against you with your spirits through the roof and made him look at the big picture in front of you.

Y/N: Then of course I'll help you buddy! Who would I be if I didn't help a friend in need! Let's start with the plans now!

Spike: Great!!!!...




Spike: Wait, what do you mean by plans?

Mientras tanto (I mean meanwhile but in spanish)

For some reason that was not at all convenient to the script, Discord had a room in the Canterlot castle but he had modified it to his liking to make it a little more... chaotic.

Its not order its balance (Discord x Reader Story)Where stories live. Discover now