"I just tripped, it wasn't that bad. I'll be fine, the Literature Club meet is like just down the hall." Natsuki said, pointing in the direction she was going.

"Oh? The Literature Club?" Nakanaka's head perked up curiously, "You wouldn't happen to be speaking of the same Literature Club attended by the esteemed Princess Komilia, would you?" She asked.

"You mean Komi? Yeah, she's in there too." Natsuki confirmed with a nod.

"I see. Would you mind if I accompany you? I'm interested in this literature gathering that you hold, and I would like to see what sort of company your guild keeps." Nakanaka formally requested.

"Guild...? Uh yeah sure, follow me." Natsuki shook her head and gestured for Nakanaka to follow her, and the two started walking down the hall.

"Thank you, Natsuki." Nakanaka said appreciatively.

"No problem...so you used to like Parfait Girls, huh?" Natsuki asked, steering the conversation back to their shared interest in the manga.

"Ah...y-yeah, I did. I haven't picked up on it in a long time. Is it even still ongoing, or are you just revisiting it?"

"Oh no, it's still going strong! It's actually gotten pretty deep lately. You should really consider picking it back up! I would definitely recommend it." Natsuki suggested.

"I see...hmm, perhaps I will consider it should I find myself in a nostalgic mood." Nakanaka said thoughtfully, stroking her chin dramatically.

"I have the entire collection." Natsuki brought up.

"You have the entire library?!" Nakanaka exclaimed in surprise, "Are you a collector?"

"Technically no, but I do have the whole collection. It's not a library though! If you wanna read it, you have to come to the literature club meetings! No exceptions!" Natsuki said firmly.

"I see you've found someone new to bring by for a visit," Monika said with an awkward smile. The two of them paused and looked into the classroom. Natsuki didn't even realize that they had reached the literature club room and were now conversing at the door.

"Please, come on in!" Monika politely invited Nakanaka to join them.

"Come on in, we don't bite! Unless you brought food!" Sayori joked with a giggle.

"Um..." Nakanaka nervously stepped into the room, looking around at the various girls.

There was Komi sitting at a desk near Yuri with a cup of tea set down in front of her. She looked at Nakanaka and waved to her. Nakanaka's face went flush as she waved back.

"Um...h-hey, Komi..." She greeted Komi shyly.

"Would you like some tea? I can prepare another cup." Yuri offered.

"S-Sure...I mean, that sounds lovely. Thank you kindly." Nakanaka said now, forcing herself to use her typical bravado to try and push through how shy and awkward she was feeling right now.

"Are you joining us for the meeting today?" Komi asked, holding her notebook up while having a hopeful, expectant look on her face.

"Oh no. I wasn't planning on being in any after school clubs today. I actually wanted to go home and put some time in on my new game...but Komi is asking me to stay! I'll spare any amount of time if it means getting closer to Komi!"

"Yes! I will happily join you in your literary escapades today!" Nakanaka declared.

"Great! Loving the enthusiasm. Please, have a seat." Monika invited.

Komi Komi Literature Club!जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें