Chapter 40. Easy Peasy.

Start from the beginning

"Hell no. My mother's an optician!" Leo answered.

I had to quickly stifle my laugh as I realised that Leo had just suggested if Trevor thought his girl was hot then he needed to get his eyes tested.

Leo then grabbed the phone out of Trevor's hand and threw it across the changing room to Bradley.

"You'll go blind wanking over her at night." Bradley declared, as Trevor tried to retrieve it from him. Bradley easily held him off with one hand. "Does Dickie know about this? You know his rules about jerking off before a match, don't you?"

"I bet he doesn't!" Leo joined in. "Give it here, Bradders, and I'll delete it. Can't have our alleged star player worn out from tossing himself off, can we?"

"Don't you fucking dare!" Trevor shrieked as he desperately tried to claw back his mobile. It looked an impossible task as Bradley held him in a vice-like grip as he passed the phone back to Leo.

Leo began pressing buttons, describing his actions as he did so. "Select photo .... Select text..... Hasn't this girl got big tits..... Send to all contacts.... Send..... Delete photo... Photo deleted..... Settings.... Search... Reset all settings...."

"No!" Trevor yelled, his face contorted with panic as Leo held up the mobile with his finger poised, as if ready to hit the enter key.

"What will you do to stop me from doing it?" Leo asked as Bradley let Trevor go.

Trevor put his hands together and pleaded. "Anything...! Anything you want. Just let me have it back..... Please?"

Leo still held the mobile up in the air. I figured he must be waiting for the screensaver to kick in before he pressed a finger on the fingerprint recognition feature which would then activate the automatic lock after three unsuccessful tries.

"What's going on here!" Dickie yelled as he entered the changing room.

"Eyetie has nicked my phone and won't give it back!" Trevor squealed.

Dickie came and faced up to Leo. "Phone please Mr DiCanio.... If you would be so kind?" Dickie held his hand out.

Leo hesitated. "I was just teasing Trevor because he's gone and got himself a girlfriend, that's all." He then handed Dickie the phone. I hoped the screen had gone blank.

"He's fucked my phone up by resetting everything!" Trevor yelled, as he tried to grab it from Dickie.

"I was only pretending, you dipstick. I was just playing with you. As if I would be such an arsehole and do that?"

"Right Mr DiCanio. 10 laps around the pitch at the double..... You too Mr Cooper," Dickie said, addressing Bradley, as he handed Trevor the phone. "You two are as thick as thieves so you must be involved somewhere with this stupidity."

Bradley protested his innocence, causing a much needed distraction allowing Trevor the opportunity to come and sit back down on the bench away from everyone and check his phone, totally oblivious to the fact that I was the other side of the wire mesh, partially hidden by the clothes hanging up.

I stood on the bench so I was able to see him tap in his numbers. Shit. I said to myself as I realised that he had a Huawei P20 which had a two-step verification code. This could be more difficult than I thought.

Our luck was in. Trevor had chosen the simplest of codes and ones so easy to remember. 2 - 4 - 6 - 8 - 1 - 0 for the 6 digit verification code and 1 - 3 - 7 - 9 for his PIN. All the keys on the four corners. What an absolute plonker.

After quickly checking that everything was alright with his phone he then walked over to the small lockers used for storing valuable and personal items during games lessons.

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