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Start from the beginning

He was called a heartless monster by everyone who had died in that calamity. Did a heartless monster really deserve this?

Wriothesley slowly retracted and properly sat down on the floor next to Neuvillette, leaning his back against the Iudex's desk. "Do you want to talk about this?" Wriothesley asked. They would have to talk about it for sure but considering it would be even more pressure for Wriothesley and anxiety for Neuvillette it wasn't a very good idea in the end. Wriothesley was willing to wait even if his mind was screaming for answers.

"We should," Neuvillette said. He looked very uncertain and continued, "Could we... Maybe you should come back tomorrow and I can take a day off so we can talk, properly." Limited time for something like this wasn't enough and things needed to get resolved quickly. Both knew this and agreed. Wriothesley only nodded his head in response.

Wriothesley knew this was his cue to leave but he couldn't help but want to stay. He knew Neuvillette needed time alone right now though and stood up from the floor. Neuvillette looked up to him slightly without a word. "I'll... take my leave then," Wriothesley said with worry still filling his eyes and a sorry smile. Neuvillette couldn't muster a response and it was clear neither wanted to depart. With enough stalling, Wriothesley walked to the office door and shut it behind him. He let a breath out he didn't know he was holding in.

It was a thunderstorm outside.


Clorinde and Navia sat in silence in Navia's room. They had come there after investigating the murder scene Carole showed them and they needed some kind of quiet space to turn their jumbled thoughts into fine straight lines after asking Carole some questions.

They had asked her about the history of Melusine's and Carole said she didn't know their origin or where they came from but a crucial detail slipped her mouth that had revealed she did know more than she led them to believe. She was an honest person and both Navia and Clorinde knew this and trusted her. She must've had a reason bigger than her to keep the information a secret and could not tell them even if she wanted to.

Carole had said to them, "I don't know where we came from or how we were born but we've always lived under the sea in our villages. We don't do much and just live our lives and build a safe community. No one has ever disturbed our lives and Neuvillette gave us a chance to see the world again so we're super grateful to him... Even if things have gone this way."

A stubborn and careless would miss the details but it immediately alerted Navia and Clorinde. 'Neuvillette gave us a chance to see the world again.'


Carole had said Melusines had always lived underwater in their villages. They would never have seen the world above the sea and the Melusine villages were so hidden away it was impossible for them to accidentally surface. But this is the first time anyone has ever heard of Melusines so how was this possible? Neuvillette didn't know anything, did he? Even if he did there was no way they would get an answer out of him if the Melusines were trying to hide something.

At first, the case had seemed like just a work of some stubborn guy trying to achieve something through crime but it was not like that at all. The murders were great in number by now, so great one could not possibly even realize how severe the situation was. No one knew why Neuvillette brought the Melusines here and now they were hiding something. The queen had not made appearances in what felt like ages, though that could be expected since she was supposed to be guarded. Wriothesley and Neuvillette were working together on something, speculated by Vautrin who supposedly saw them, and they had not informed anyone about it. Wasn't this supposed to be worked on as a group? Details were kept from each other and suspicions rose. Maybe someone out of them was using the others as pawns. But every person was trusted by everyone.

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