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- Jaguar

I walked home emotionless. When I reached my front yard I couldn't go any further. Why should I go any further.

My mind flashed back to when Flame winked at me. I screamed an agonizing scream full of pain.

The front door opened and my knees buckled. I crumpled over my crouched position into a tight ball.

"Jaguar!" I didn't know who was yelling my name. What does it change anyway? What does anything do anymore?

I screamed again clutching my stomach to keep in as much as possible.

"Are you in pain?!" I shook my head. Dad rolled me over and looked at me intensely for a moment.

I sobbed and Dad just sat there unaware of what had happened.

Flame is going to hurt her! He will break her heart!

Why can't life just be perfect. Why can't Jade be safe for once in her life.

"Flame p-proposed." I whimpered. Dad sighed. "To what un-luckly soul is he marrying?"

I suddenly felt like a fool. I am just the crazy ex from years ago. I need to get over her. Stop being so immature.

But I can't let go of her. It's like letting go of the sun. Or air, food, water, etc. Letting go of Jade felt like letting go of love.

She showed me what love like that was. How do you let go of someone you love?

I looked down all tears gone. "Jade Dawn." I whispered. Dad stopped moving immediately.

I stood up. "I'm so pathetic." I mumbled while walking towards the door.

Dad put his hand on my shoulder stopping me. "Jaguar, what is pathetic about yourself? Because you are in pain that Jade is-is making decisions. Did I ever tell you that Winter and Glory dated?" he said.

I nodded. "Did I tell you he dated her the same time he dated Moon?" he added.

That caught me off guard. I honestly never learned or cared enough to find out how everyone met in The Jade Winglet.

All I know is that mom and Winter dated. And then dad dated her after they broke up.

Dad nodded towards the garage.

Oh, this is going to be a long talk.

Dad takes me to the garage whenever he has something long or important to say to me.

We sit down and he puts his hand on the opened front of the car.

I looked at it and realized a few screws in there were in wrong and the engine needed to be repaired a bit.

I grabbed a toolbox and started fixing it.

Dad frowned. "When did you learn to fix cars? I wanted to teach you that." he grumbled.

I smiled. "Mom taught me around my 15th birthday. Then Firefly gave me a bunch of tips." I replied. Dad's frown deepened.

"Nevermind. Anyways, Moon moved in with me Junior year of highschool after Morrowseer shot her mother." dad started.

I winced. Most of California has heard of Morrowseer. Huge criminal. I didn't know Moon had ever met him.

"Moon went through alot of trauma in highschool." Dad explained. I raised my eyebrows curiously.

"Morrowseer was in love with Moon's mother Secretkeeper. When he found out Moon was alive. And his own... daughter. He shot her in the head and Moon in the leg."

I froze. Morrowseer is Moon's dad? What kind of twisted horror story is this? How did I fail to learn this?

"Then. A part of my past I'm not particularly proud of. Morrowseer threatened me. So, I-I killed him." Dad whispered.

This was not as hard to process.

Dad was a S.W.A.T. member. He has killed people before. But he was younger than me when his first kill happened. That was hard to believe.

"Anyways, Qibli developed a huge crush for Moon. Moon started dating Winter in secret. She didn't know he and Glory were still dating." dad explained.

"And what I did. Well, I was very aware that I was in love with Glory by then. So I schemed. Tried everything to get the three together. I was too cowardly to do it the right way."

Cowardly and Dad wasn't words I had ever thought to use in the same sentence.

"Eventually. Winter messed up. Broke Moon's arm. And everything went right. Glory and I dated. Moon fell in love with Qibli."

"My point is. I was pathetic when Glory dated Winter. But we were meant to be. And we worked out. Even if it took time." Dad said soothingly.

Then he smiled at a memory. "What?" I asked. His smile turned to rueful.

"Just remembering. I remember the day I met Jade the first time." Dad replied.

I remembered this day too. When I was upstairs and Jade came in to head to the sleepover witn Firefly.

I nodded thinking about that as well. "No, before. When she was a baby." dad clarified.

He smiled again. "Qibli came inside. I was playing with Firefly. You weren't born yet. Moon was behind him with Jade in her arms. I saw her face. It was crazy. I had met Moon when she was so young. To imagine her as a mother was impossible. She looked so much like Qibli. More as she grew. That was the same day I found out I was going to have a son." he explained.

"I have a photo. I think I cried that day. Just-to see her for the first time. Back in highschool Jade was like Qibli's dream future. To me it was a dream, but just a dream not a reality. And when dreams come true Jaguar, it's not a feeling you forget." dad smiled widely as he said this.

He pulled up a picture of Jade in Moon's arms Qibli staring at her proudly.

It was fascinating. She did look like something out of a dream. And it only made my heart ache more.

"But overall. Just know. Fate is fate. I believe that things will work out the way they are supposed to. So, Jade might end up with Flame. Maybe he changed. Or someone completely new. Or even you son." he finished.

I nodded and gave him a hug. I have an amazing dad. I know not everyone does. So I was thankful for everything I had. Parents who loved me. My sister. And even the memories with Jade. Even if they cause me pain sometimes. I was grateful for those too.

I went upstairs and into my room.

Fate. Fate will decide.

And if fate decides that Jade won't be happy. Well, then I will break fate in half and stuff it in a box with destiny and make my own fate.

And maybe Fate will drop a beautiful girl in my life that isn't Jade and I can be happy with someone again.

I didn't believe my thoughts. I couldn't imagine someone more beautiful than Jade, inside and out. And I couldn't imagine being happy with anyone, but Jade.

But I didn't dismiss the thought completely. Because maybe, just maybe.

It could be possible.

Sorry about slow updates, I have been busy, but I am trying to update as much as possible. Hope you guys enjoyed. 1201 words.

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