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- Jaguar

Goddamnit Jade how hard is it to not almost die? I'm going to start having heart problems from these random bursts of fear.

I held Jade up gently. I had no idea where she was shot, but she was bleeding alot.

Winter was frozen. He seemed sort of shocked that he actually shot her.

Jade opened her eyes groggily, and barely lifted her hand to point at Winter.

"Jerk." she muttered. I couldn't help the smile that snuck up onto my face.

Qibli rushed over to us out of no where. Moon was palefaced like me.

Dad appeared out of nowhere and grabbed Winter's arms and forcing them behind his back.

Dad ripped the gun from his grasp and threw it aside.

Winter unfroze and started to struggle against dad, but he wasn't even close to strong enough tp fight dad.

I looked back down at Jade. She was wincing.

"Where?" I whisper. Jade slowly moves her arm to gesture towards her left side.

My heart speeds up a bit.

She didn't even cry. She just kinda looked like she wanted it to be over. She looked sad.

Like she was giving up on life.

In seconds I has sent myself into a whole new world of fear.

Her eyes fluttered closed.

"Nope! Keep the eyes open Jade!" I say quickly. She groans uncomfortably but opens her eyes.

Qibli was unwrapping his belt from his waist and wrapping it around Jade's torso to stop the bleeding. Once he was done, I carefully picked her up and took her to Qibli's car.


She ended up being ok, thank god, the bullet was pretty deep into her, but beside a bit of internal bleeding, she was ok.

They stopped the bleeding and patched her up. Jade has been kinda quiet since.

I was worried about her.

She had gotten home last week. Winter went to jail, and now he was going to stay in jail.

There was no getting out for him. I was grateful, Winter was a bad man, I didn't need him hurting Jade anymore.

I knocked on Firefly's dorm room door. Rose answered.

"Hey Jaguar! Why are you here? Don't get me wrong I'm excited about it, just curious! Did you hear about me ordering pizza? I don't think I told anyone-" I cut her off quickly.

"Great to see you too Rose. Is Jade home? I want to talk to her." I ask. Rose smirks.

"Oh yeah, she's home. Come inside." she tells me. I smile at her and enter.

Immediately I walk to her room and open the door.

"Knock knock." I say softly. Jade turns around a smiles weakly.

"Hey." she practically whispers. I take a seat beside her.

Gently I grab her hands.

"What are you doing here?" Jade asks. I watch her turn to follow face me, she barely winces.

"I needed to talk to you." I say. She nods.

"Are you ok? Lately, I feel like you have been quieter than normal." I ask her.

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